




The Infrastructure Team consists of dedicated volunteers and professionals managing the servers, building the tools and utilities, and utilizing new applications if needed. We are located all over the globe and communicate primarily by Email and IRC.

As is pointing to a ticket system (which is not really useful for communication), the team uses a separate mailing list: for internal discussions. We are also available via IRC on irc:// for direct communication.

Current topics

  • buy new hardware for Provo - AI: cgardner
  • setup separate network access (public IP) for administration and public traffic - AI: cgardner
  • organize place and infrastructure for the new machines - AI: cgardner
  • name some people with hardware access (in case we need hardware replacements) - AI: cgardner

  • use SUSE Cloud for the Provo setup - AI: rwawrig, gschlotter

  • use openSUSE Leap as base system for new production machines - AI: @all

  • request database dump and the current configuration of the openSUSE services that are currently running in Provo (wiki, forum, lizard, news, ...) - AI: cgardner

  • setup KVM images for testing:
    ** the basic setup of the wikis - AI: cboltz, adalovelace
    ** the migration from the current version to a new one - AI: cboltz, adalovelace

  • create a policies for new opensuse admins and Provo admins - AI: @all

wiki longer term:

  • make the english wiki usable as "commons" so that other wikis can use the english files without uploading them to the other wikis.

mcaj expects at Christmas 2016 that everything is in place and everything works better as expected before... :-)

Updated by Anonymous about 8 years ago ยท 1 revisions