


Wiki » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (okurz, 2016-01-11 09:46) → Revision 3/306 (okurz, 2016-01-11 10:34)

# Introduction 

 This is the organisation wiki for the **openQA Project**. 

 # Organisational 

 ## openQA calls 

 Currently there are two recurring openQA calls conducted at SUSE on If there would be more interest from the outside the call could be made on a public platform. 

 Both meetings should target to finish in 15 minutes each. If more time is needed, propose to stay in the call with the required subset of attendees. 

 Standard rules of good "standup meetings" apply here, too, e.g. 

 * Be on time (be there at meeting start) Project 
 * Be concise (help keep the time limit) ================ 

 ## old content 
 * Be polite 
 * focus on 
  * what you achieved 
  * what you plan 
  * where did you face problems where you could use help 

 ### "openQA backend coordination" call 


 * Coordination on openQA backend development 

 **execution**: A regular daily call from Mon-Fri at 0900 UTC 

 ### "SUSE QA test coordination" call 


 * Coordination on openQA based test development, especially SLE products 
 * Information about important development in openQA backend by backend responsibles 

 **execution**: Mon + Wed, at 0930 UTC 

 If somebody from SUSE QA team will do back-end development he can attend the first call as well, of course. 

 # Old content 
 ## Sprints 

 [[Sprint 01]] 
 [[Sprint 02]] 
 [[Sprint 03]]