


Wiki » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (aplanas, 2013-08-29 08:38) → Revision 14/19 (aplanas, 2013-08-29 08:47)

openQA Wiki 


 ### openQA 

 openQA, designed and implemented by Bernhard M. Wiedermann, is a set of utilities designed to test operative systems in an fully automated way. Actually, openQA is consist of two different modules that work together: 

 * os-autoinst: 
 * openQA: 

 The first module implement the core functionality (mainly related with the virtual machine management and communication, and the basic API for tests) and the second one implement the web user interface and the distributed architecture for the system. 

 ### Documentation 

 * For a basic installation instruction of os-autoinst you can read the [INSTALL]( file. For more specific details check the doc directory. 
 * To install openQA (webUI) check the [README]( 
 * For a complete overview and a small tutorial of how to make tests, check the file [TUTORIAL]( in the os-autoinst project 


 ### Project Execution 

 openQA was partially rewritten by the openSUSE Team during the first half of 2013. To check the full project you can consult the [Gantt]([]=status_id&op[status_id]=*&f[]=&draw_rels=on&months=8&month=3&year=2013&zoom=2) view and the [End of Sprint Report]( 


 *Reference documentation:* 

 * Internal information: 
 * openQA website: