


Extended maintenance this Thursday, 2017-12-07

As announced on [](, we will have a bigger scheduled maintenance work ahead on Thursday, 2017-12-07, from 08:00 until 10:00 CET (07:00 until 09:00 UTC).
Added by Anonymous almost 7 years ago

UPDATE: all systems are back online.

During the maintenance window this Thursday, 2017-12-07, we will not only do the regular maintenance on all machines: this time we will migrate the machine hosting to a completely new system running openSUSE Leap 42.3. Together with this switch, we will bring the new PostgreSQL database cluster in production, which is running now since a while also on openSUSE 42.3. As some of the old configurations and services will be changed during that time as well (for example: switching from lighttpd to nginx with TLS 1.2 and http2 support for our "last resort mirror"), we will use this week for some extended testing to make the migration as smooth and quick as possible. But as always: bad things can happen, so we like to inform you in front that there might be some longer downtimes during the switch. If you need to upgrade or update your machines this Thursday morning, please check for a mirror server on our mirror page.

The maintenance of will not last for longer than 30 minutes: we will fire up a second machine that will (in a first version) act as failover (using keepalived) in case the main machine is under maintenance or has a bigger issue. As we want to test the failover, please expect small hickups during that 30 minutes. After that, we hope that this service should also be high available as a couple of other services we setup during the last weeks.
