


Encryption going strong

Refreshing certs and new strength to encryption.
Added by Anonymous over 9 years ago

This time of the year again. The monitoring was prodding us with "Your certificate will expire soon". When we fiddled with the tools to create the new CSR, we were wondering "Can we go 4K?". 4K is hip right now. 4K video. 4K TVs. So why not a 4K certificate? A quick check with the security team about the extra CPU load and checking our monitoring.

"Yes we can"

So with this refresh the certificate for all the SSL enabled services in Nuremberg is 4096 bits long. The setup is running with the new certificate for a few days already and so far we did not notice any problems. Next stop will be upgrading the SSL end points to a newer distribution so we get TLS 1.2 and our A grade back. Stay tuned for more news on this front.
