


IPv6 movements in DNS range

Added by Anonymous about 10 years ago

You may know that openSUSE is providing many parts of the infrastructure also via IPv6. Something that started as "proof of concept" in 2011 turned into a reliable and problem free service since then. But in the beginning, we got a "temporary" IPv6 range that needs to be used elsewhere now: so it's time to move to a "final" IPv6 range that should last for the next years.

Our ISP already provided us with the new range of IPv6 addresses and we will start next week (week 20 of 2014) to

  1. add the new addresses to the running hosts
  2. change the DNS entries pointing to the new addresses
  3. run the old and new IPv6 addresses in parallel for a few days
  4. remove the old addresses

For endusers, this switch should be "invisible" - but we will of course run some tests in front and listen carefully on and if someone encounters any problem.
