


action #175323

Updated by tinita 25 days ago

## Motivation 

 I was just told by Olaf Hering that `%autosetup` always needs to be called with `-p1` 

 The reason is that there are other ways to retroactively add patches to a package, without changing the spec file, and for that it is exepected that `%autosetup -p1` is in the spec file. 

 > `obs cat -u home:olh:SLE_15/zypper _link`, damit wird zusätzlich ein Patch eingefügt, welcher dann von %autosetup erkannt und angewendet wird. 

 A while ago, [cpanspec]( `cpanspec` was changed to be called like 
 * `%autosetup` if there are no patches 
 * `%autosetup` if there are more than one patches, but have different `-p` arguments 
 * `%autosetup -p1` if there is one or more patches which all have the common `-p1` 
 * `%autosetup -p0` if there is one or more patches which all have the common `-p0` 

 ## Acceptance Criteria 

 **AC1:** `%autosetup` in devel:languages:perl specs is always called with `-p1` 

 ## Suggestions 

 * Might be as easy as reverting the change described above 
 * Make sure all packages are updated at some point, but it is not urgent. #164314 might help with that, as this also needs updating a lot of packages 
 * Start with patching as this is the one needing a patch:
