tickets #117856
Updated by zcjia almost 2 years ago
Open url with following protocols: 1. HTTP: 2. HTTPS: 3. FTP: 4. SMB: smb:// 5. Local: file:///usr/share/w3m/w3mhelp.html ~~4. FTP: ~~5. SMB: smb:// **vp1.** Url with http protocol can be opened without error **vp2.** Url with https protocol can be opened without error **vp3.** Url with local file ftp protocol can be opened without error ftp and smb protocol are no longer supported in firefox. ~~**vp4.** **vp4.** Url with ftp smb protocol can be opened without error~~ error ~~**vp5.** **vp5.** Url with smb protocol local file can be opened without error~~ error