action #107227
Updated by tinita almost 3 years ago
## Observation
The first bad seems to be from 9h ago: . "ERROR: something wrong with /etc/openqabot/singlearch.yml"
ERROR: something wrong with /etc/openqabot/singlearch.yml
DEBUG: Getting id for Data(incident=0, settings_id=0, flavor='Server-DVD-HA-Updates', arch='x86_64', distri='sle', version='12-SP3', build='', product='HA12SP3')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./qem-bot/", line 5, in <module>
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/", line 40, in main
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/", line 68, in do_sync_aggregate_results
return syncer()
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/", line 29, in __call__
update_setting += get_aggregate_settings_data(self.token, product)
File "/builds/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/qem-bot/openqabot/loader/", line 175, in get_aggregate_settings_data
for s in settings[:3]:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'
Uploading artifacts for failed job
a6a304dc1592:/ # cat /etc/openqabot/singlearch.yml
- powerpc-utils
- s390-tools
- yast2-s390
- lspvd
## Acceptance crtieria
- **AC1**: Pipeline doesn't fail due to config errors
## Suggestions
- Research what "slice" maps to in python
- Lookup where /etc/openqabot/singlearch.yml comes from (It comes from the openSUSE package `qam-metadata-openqabot`) and the expected format
- Improve the error message
- Ensure singlearch.yml is deployed from GitLab
- Confirm if this is a regression due to a recent change
- Look into (