action #99954
closedpublishing and mirror setup
Set up OBS and Mirror system to handle the new distribution
The ISOs and ftp tree needs to be set to be publish=enabled in OBS. If TTM is not set up yet, enable publishing from :ToTest manually:
<enable arch="local" repository="images"/>
There is a script somewhere on the obs backend that determines what gets pushed where. Adrian or Coolo know. It needs to be adjusted to handle the new distribution.
On pontifex /etc/rsyncd-internal.conf needs to have modules to allow obs to push to the right locations.
The publish_distro config needs to be adjusted too
publish script on obs backend
rsync module on pontifex
publish_distro on pontifex
/etc/xinetd.d/scan-updates on pontifex
enable publishing in project meta
notify ports maintainers so they do the same
write that a new distro is coming
Updated by lkocman over 3 years ago
Nearly, done
I did manually republish images, however the NET-images are not available
So I'm using following workaround in mirror@pontifex2:~/publish_distro/publish_leap154.config
#flavors=(DVD-x86_64 NET-x86_64 DVD-aarch64 NET-aarch64 DVD-ppc64le NET-ppc64le DVD-s390x NET-s390x)
flavors=(DVD-x86_64 DVD-aarch64 DVD-ppc64le DVD-s390x)
nothing needed on rsyncd-internal.conf Adrian mentioned that we're using generic sections from now on.
Updated by lkocman over 3 years ago
I've pinged Bernhard regarding possible configuration of popular rsync modules to include 15.4
Updated by lkocman almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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