action #8946
closedrelease maintenance test updates
maintenance needs to release test updates in the update channel
Updated by lnussel about 9 years ago
- % Done changed from 20 to 90
test updates released. A non free update would be nice too.
Updated by BenniBrunner about 9 years ago
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
The following test-udpates are released now. Please let me know if you need additional testcases.
Patch: openSUSE-2015-652
Binary: flash-player-
Category: security
Rating important
Flags: none
Trivial update:
Patch: openSUSE-2015-611
Binary: update-test-trival-3-5.1
Category: recommended
Rating: low
Flags: none
Feature update:
Patch: openSUSE-2015-615
Binary: update-test-feature-3-11.1
Category: feature
Rating: moderate
Flags: none
Optional update:
Patch: openSUSE-2015-616
Binary: update-test-optional-3-15.1
Category: optional
Rating: moderate
Flags: none
Critical security update:
Patch: openSUSE-2015-617
Binary: update-test-security-3-15.2
Category: security
Rating: critical
Flags: none
Software Stack update:
Binary: update-test-affects-package-manager-3-22.1
Category: recommended
Rating: moderate
Flags: zypp_restart_needed
Reboot-needed update:
Patch: openSUSE-2015-624
Binary: update-test-reboot-needed-3-25.1
Category: recommended
Rating: important
Flags: reboot_needed
Relogin-suggested update:
Patch: openSUSE-2015-626
Binary: update-test-relogin-suggested-3-28.1
Category: recommended
Rating: moderate
Flags: relogin_needed
32bit on x86_64 arch update:
Patch: openSUSE-2015-645
Binary: update-test-32bit-pkg-3-31.2
Category: recommended
Rating: moderate
Flags: none
releaserequest: 338020
Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago
- Copied to action #11864: release maintenance test updates added