analysis #8
closedaction #7: Order Promo DVDs
Decide Amount
Start date:
Due date:
Estimated time:
1.00 h
Updated by lnussel almost 12 years ago
- Category changed from Administration to Administration
- Project changed from openSUSE Release Process to openSUSE 12.3 Release
Updated by toscalix almost 12 years ago
- Category changed from Administration to Management
- % Done changed from 100 to 0
- Estimated time set to 1.00 h
- Target version set to 12.3 RC 2
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
After we find out the price for 5k and 10k I decide how many.
Updated by toscalix almost 12 years ago
A decision task should be opened as analysis tracker, not as an action tracker, following these rules:
By doing this, we have in different trackers different kind of tasks so we can evaluate later clearly if we failed in the decisions, in the actions, in the communications or in our coordination work.
I will explain this in the intro of the tool.
Updated by toscalix almost 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Due date changed from 2013-02-17 to 2013-02-19
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
We will go for 10k DVD