action #76393
closedmerge back maintenance updates
maintenance updates from the update project need to be merged back into the main repo
use osc checkupdate ( to find updated packages
copy them back using 'osc copypac -e openSUSE:13.2:Update openSUSE:13.2 -m "Update to match Update channel update#."'; On purpose do it by hand without automation to avoid screwups
adjust the release number to be higher than in the update repo using FIXMEπ
remove updates from the update repo by using "osc killupdate NUMBER"
[1] adjust the release number by checking the state of the package 'osc getbinaries openSUSE:13.2:Update . standard x86_64' and then writting higher revision to .spec file. To submit this update to repository just use 'osc ci --noservice -m "Add revision to ensure new-enough over Update channel."'
There should be a way to do this by means of obs
Updated by lkocman almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
However the tool can't be used any more as it is since we're not using 00Meta. We can still use osc meta for the origin of packages though.
Updated by lkocman almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
From Marcus:
We have not released any feature updates into 15.3:Update at this time.
(Only hello and rpmlint-mini are there as testupdates without source changes.)
The task can be marked done.
ciao, Marcus