action #76219
closedEnable sync of sources and binaries from relevant SUSE:SLE project from IBS to OBS
Please send a request to to sync binaries and sources for SUSE:SLE sources and binaries
Blacklist for packages that need to be skipped from sync can be found here
This should ideally be send at least day ahead of the SLE-X-SPY Beta1 date.
subject: please sync sources and binaries for SUSE:SLE-X-SPY:GA to OBS after Beta1
Hello Autobuild team,
could you please enable sync of sources and binaries for SUSE:SLE-X-SPY:GA to OBS right after the Beta1
which is expected happen on DD.MM.YYYY. We need them as openSUSE Leap is based on these binaries.
Here is a list of packages that should remain blacklisted: (please describe changes if any)
Thank you
Updated by lkocman over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from enable sle15 syncing to OBS to Sync sources and binaries from releavant SUSE:SLE project from IBS to OBS
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by lkocman over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Sync sources and binaries from releavant SUSE:SLE project from IBS to OBS to Enable sync of sources and binaries from relevant SUSE:SLE project from IBS to OBS
Updated by lkocman about 4 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Email sent to autobuild team
Hello Autobuild team,
SLE 15 SP3 Beta1 is scheduled for Nov 20 2021, which is this Friday. We have an agreement with SLE PM that sources and binaries can be published with Beta1.
May I ask you to turn-on sync of SLE 15 SP3 sources/binaries to OBS on Friday after 15:00 so we can use weekend for syncing?
Issue is tracked by Release team here
Thank you