



action #62126


Articles for news-o-o

Added by vinzv over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


We want tutorials, booth reports, interviews and various other stuff like e.g. oS as a gaming platform being polished and well prepared for continous publishing on Anyone interested can pick a topic from the collection and start writing, either on his own or collaboratively.


  • vinzv will start collecting stuff in an etherpad and inform marketing mailing list
Actions #1

Updated by vinzv over 4 years ago

  • Checklist item changed from to [x] vinzv will start collecting stuff in an etherpad and inform marketing mailing list, [ ] ddemaio doing CfP, [x] vinzv pushing the topic to artwork mailing list
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #2

Updated by vinzv over 4 years ago

  • Checklist item changed from [x] vinzv will start collecting stuff in an etherpad and inform marketing mailing list, [ ] ddemaio doing CfP, [x] vinzv pushing the topic to artwork mailing list to [x] vinzv will start collecting stuff in an etherpad and inform marketing mailing list
Actions #3

Updated by vinzv over 4 years ago

Dumping the Etherpad here to avoid vanishing

Collecting topics for possible articles on news-o-o

Install and setup i3
Powerline Shell
Setup NVIDIA drivers with convenient hybrid graphics switching
How to reset your root password
Tmux/Screen usage and tips (please mention the tmux/PackageHub availability, some SAP engineers didn't know about it and had tmux on the SLES wishlist).
Backup strategies for home users
top, atop, htop and other ressource monitors (general tips for people about runaway processes, mem leaks, killing processes, etc would be nice for beginners. I would just use htop, but whatever works.)
FOSS chat and video conferencing tools (Jami, Jitsi, Gajim+omemo, et. al.)
Install multiple kernels (multiversion explained)
Modify PDF files (good idea. split, merge, edit)
How to set up and use an encrypted system
Organizing finances: HomeBank, KMyMoney, Skrooge
Getting started with GIMP
Keyboard shortcuts: What do you use and why?
Music players for streaming services
Sharing files with Windows users
How to record screencasts (maybe mention X vs wayland compat of used software)
Talk to me: how to use text-to-speech
susepaste explained
Get your toes into packaging
A whole series on RPM and packaging with the obs.
Maybe blog posts should have reader target experience level listed so people don't waste their time or feel frustrated..
"X" cool password managers
Setting up virtual machines easily without VirtualBox
CLI tips: basics (ls, cd, mkdir, etc.)
CLI tips: grep
CLI tips: locate
CLI tips: file permissions
CLI tips: cat/less
CLI tips: awk
CLI tips: why spaces in file and dir names is lame when using gnu+linux.
What's the deal with hardware support in linux? What should people be aware of so they don't get burned. (hardware manufacturers, drivers, closed vs open, nvidia/amd, printers now and in the future, etc)
Printing and scanning
Yast Software walkthrough (finding packages, dependencies, repos, changing vendor, etc)
Yast modules walkthrough (everything else?)
Dealing with linux sound for beginners (just using linux sound in the gui is confusing for normal people. Inputs, outputs, identification of devices, subsystems, etc)
The yearly Leap: Upgrading for beginners
WSL images built in OBS
DONE - Tilix (tiling terminal emulator) : Sogal (already writen, just need translation into english), will be split it two parts:

  • tilix part 1 (introduction and discovery)
  • tilix part 2 (advanced features) Use Flatpak to add unpackaged app (example with Spotify or any other often demanded app): sogal Series of in depth comparison for the different openSUSE distros, roles, etc. ex: what specifically is different between microOS and transactional-server role of TW? packages, services, security, flexibility, administration, etc. IOW, not just intended auidience and other general stuff/meta features. Containerization strategies using the related openSUSE distros/roles. Discuss different use cases. system containers, app/stack containers, single binaries, etc. Helpful to people new to containers, but showcases openSUSE features. It might also inspire or clarify things for openSUSE devs working on these "products".

Also available in: Atom PDF