action #35494
closedeliminate duplicate binaries
packages with duplicate binaries need to be cleaned up as OBS has undefined behavior with those
Updated by lnussel almost 7 years ago
Updated by lnussel almost 7 years ago
- Assignee set to jberry
another one for you jimmy, I wonder if we could add that to repochecker to prevent duplicates right away
Updated by jberry almost 7 years ago
Created an issue for include in repo-checker last year
Updated by jberry almost 7 years ago
The current tool ignores src and nosrc packages. Other tools ignore -debugsource and -debuginfo.
a) Presumably the same problem exists when src packages are published with same name so does this make sense to ignore? Understandably the src packages are less "important" since they are not used in other builds nor typically by end users, but the underlying problem exists.
b) Same note as other tools ignoring -debug* packages. Clearly this would be a problem when installing them, but perhaps only interested in one entry?
Updated by jberry almost 7 years ago
AS for the special self.ignore_extra_archs, should all parch != arch be ignored? Why just those packages? Is the OBS behavior "define" in general for that rule and they should always be ignored?
Updated by lnussel almost 7 years ago
parch != arch is the special for i686 IIRC, those packages end up in a different directory by means of export filter IIRC. OBS black magic
src packages are less important, yes. Because they are not used for building. In OBS it's especially nasty if the package used for building changes all the time. maybe there needs to be a separate warning category for those. same for debug packages. I would live with overlaps there for now but really need to fix the real binary packages.
Updated by jberry almost 7 years ago
It appears the hd5-examples duplicates is another stale binary case:
Updated by jberry almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Created two pull requests to improve duplicate checking tool:
- osclib/check_duplicate_binaries: ignore s/glibc.i686/glibc:i686/.
- osclib/check_duplicate_binaries: rewrite to use package_binary_list().
Updated output:
- scalapack:gnu-openmpi-hpc
- scalapack:mvapich2
- scalapack:openmpi
- scalapack:gnu-mvapich2-hpc hdf5-examples:
- hdf5:serial
- hdf5:gnu-hpc luaposix-doc:
- lua-luaposix:lua51
- lua-luaposix:lua53 x86_64: blacs-devel-headers:
- scalapack:mvapich2
- scalapack:openmpi fonttools:
- python-FontTools
- fonttools luaposix-doc:
- lua-luaposix:lua51
- lua-luaposix:lua53 mpv-plugin-mpris:
- lua-lua-mpris:lua53
- lua-lua-mpris:lua51 soapysdr0.6-module-airspy:
- soapy-airspy
- soapy-osmo soapysdr0.6-module-bladerf:
- libxtrx
- soapy-bladerf soapysdr0.6-module-hackrf:
- soapy-hackrf
- soapy-osmo
- delete openSUSE:Leap:15.0/fonttools in favor of python-FontTools
- submit science/scalapack to only build blacs-devel-headers during one flavor
- submit devel:languages:lua/lua-luaposix to only produce docs during one flavor
- submit devel:languages:lua/lua-lua-mpris to only produce mpv-plugin-mpris during one flavor
- submit hardware:sdr/soapy-osmo to append -osmo suffix to packages in conflict and add conflicts meta
- submit hardware:sdr/libxtrx to append -libxtrx suffix to packages in conflict and add conflicts meta
Presumably the update crawler will propigate these once they hit Factory.
Updated by lnussel almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to New
- % Done changed from 100 to 90
very nice, thanks! I'll keep it open to check again next week. maybe those submit requests need pushing
Updated by lnussel almost 7 years ago
I can't get around doing that myself. Can you check again and just close when finished?
Updated by jberry almost 7 years ago
- bumped sr#601660 (science/scalapack to only build blacs-devel-headers during one flavor) pending devel project acceptance.
- submit openSUSE:Factory/lua-luaposix to only produce docs during one flavor
All other issues are shown as resolved.
Updated by jberry almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- submit request 605959 for scalapack with suggesting added to SLE-workarounds
Updated by jberry over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Tool reports no duplicates.
Updated by lnussel almost 6 years ago
- Copied to action #47825: eliminate duplicate binaries added