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invis-Server 14.0 is out now
Added by flacco about 6 years ago
What's new?
- invis-Server 14 is based on openSUSE Leap 15.0
- new Samba Version. Now we use the Samba 4.7 packages from openSUSE with MIT Kerberos instead of the in Samba integrated Heimdal
- Switch from SuSEfirewall2 to firewalld
- New Scripts
- check-istate: checks the versions of importand integrated software like Kopano and ownCloud
- mkkopres: creates a Kopano Ressource on base of an existing shared account
- inhume: cleans data from removed user accounts
- simplified server setup with sine2
- new software: InvoicePlane
Have a look at our Blog-Post: