


Time to Release 13.1

Added by flacco over 6 years ago

All jobs for our invis-server release 13.1 are done.

Whats new:

  1. The apache vHost setup is completely renewed
  2. Some scripts of our toolbox are optimized:
    • diskchecker now calculates the unused diskspace even if there are more than one physical drives in a lvm group
    • afterup now removes global read and execute bits from the archive share
    • inviscerts is now able to actualize the crl
    • creategroupshare now sets posix-acls for new group-directories
  3. invis-Portal has new features
    • It's now no longer possible to enter already existing mac-addresses when adding new hosts
    • Status page now shows the upcoming invis releases in purple color - if you see a purple invis-versionnumber you know that you are using a unstable invis-version.
    • The mysterious empty groupmember entry is gone.
    • It's now possible to configure the used default logonscript via invis-portal configuration.
    • invis-portal now has a default config file to prevent errors in case of invis-server updates.
  4. dokuwiki now uses the bootstrap3 template as default and comes with a global readable startpage and default sidebar.
  5. Some smaller bugfixes....
