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toscalix, 2013-08-07 08:30

h1. Communication policy for cases in with bugs or config. changes might compromise users data or machine

There are cases in which a configuration change, a bug in openSUSE or an issue related with a firmware-software combination included in openSUSE Releases put in risk user's data or machine under certain circumstances. Obviously this cases are exceptional but happens. The following communication policy apply to this cases.

In openSUSE we work on the assumption that the Release Notes must be read before installing or upgrading your system. That is why we publish the release notes on the web and link them to the "download page":

The release notes are also accessible in the installation process.

When the data or the machine of a user is in risk by a configuration change, a bug or other extraordinary cases in our main Release, the Release Team address this as a communication issue, not just a technical issue. This means that, beside the Release notes, the issue must be communicated to the Communication coordinator.

The source for identifying these risks is the Release Notes. Maintainers and packagers must include this potential risks and its impact in this document.

openSUSE currently publish 3 documents during the release day (see below). By default, this communication issues will be published (mentioned) in one of these documents depending on the target affected.

This communication can supported with extra documentation included in the wiki or Sneak Peaks.

At least during the Go/NoGo meeting, these technical issues that have potential impact in the user's data or machine should be addressed by the Release Manager, the Release process controller or the QA coordinator. Then the Communication coordinator decide the actions to be taken.

Documents published by the Marketing Team on the Release Date.

Feature page: targeting developers.

Highlight page: targeting advance users

News: targeting users

Task related to this policy:

Updated by toscalix over 11 years ago · 3 revisions