


Known Bugs » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (lnussel, 2020-06-18 08:30) → Revision 12/13 (lnussel, 2020-06-18 16:07)

# Known Bugs 

 ## General 

 - /var/lib/alternatives not transactional 
 - Snapper rollback doesn't do the right thing [Bug]( 
 - Ignition presets not applied [Bug]( 
 - Ignition always in initrd [Bug]( 
 - https zypp repos not working [Bug]( 
 - ignition platform auto detection [Bug]( 
 - zypper patch vs up [Bug]( 
 - zypper ref can't import gpg key [Bug]( 

 ## Boot time 

 - rebootmgr needs network-online [Bug]( 
 - use socket file for sshd [Bug]( 
 - timers fire at boot due to time sync [Bug]( (TW specific) 
 - wicked to not block [Bug]( 
 - btrfsmaintenance-refresh reloads systemd at boot [Bug]( 
 - Loading the initrd is very slow on a Raspberry Pi and especially the initial one created by kiwi is way too generic and therefore huge. 

 ## Size 

 ## Installer 

 ## Appliance 

 ## ARM 
 - Some keyboards don't work on Rpi [Bug]( 
 - ~~/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg is not a stub on armv7 kiwi images [Bug]( 
 - ~~Secure boot on on [Bug]( 
 - mkinitrd fails [BUG]( TW specific?