


  • Login: dimstar
  • Email:
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: 1
  • Registered on: 2014-03-03
  • Last sign in: 2014-03-03


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 68 69
Reported issues 59 613 672


Project Roles Registered on
openSUSE admin Developer, private ticket access 2018-07-15
Provo Developer, private ticket access 2018-07-15
openSUSE Release Process Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2014-10-30
Jump 15.2 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2020-04-09
openSUSE 12.3 Release Developer, Diary reporter 2014-10-30
openSUSE 13.2 Release Developer 2014-10-30
openSUSE Leap 15.0 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2017-09-06
openSUSE Leap 15.1 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2018-05-30
openSUSE Leap 15.2 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2019-04-16
MicroOS 15.2 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2020-04-17
openSUSE Leap 15.2 release retrospective Manager, Developer 2020-08-04
openSUSE Leap 15.3 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2020-10-28
openSUSE Leap 15.4 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2021-10-06
openSUSE Leap 15.5 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2022-07-19
openSUSE Leap 15.6 Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2023-06-28
openSUSE Leap 42.1 Release Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2015-09-10
openSUSE Leap 42.2 Release Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2016-05-03
openSUSE Leap 42.3 Release Manager, Developer, Diary reporter, private ticket access 2016-11-14
oST_Projects Developer, Diary reporter 2014-10-30
openQA improvement Reporter, Diary reporter 2014-10-30
Staging project workflow Developer, Reporter, Diary reporter 2014-10-30
Travel Support and merchandising mgmt Developer, Diary reporter 2014-10-30
USB Sticks Developer, Diary reporter 2014-10-30
QA Developer 2021-04-21
openQA Project Developer 2014-10-30
openQA Infrastructure Developer 2018-10-16
openQA Tests Developer 2015-11-11
ALP Developer 2022-06-14
openQA auto review Developer 2022-05-04
qe-yam Developer 2020-10-02



13:20 openQA Tests action #159807 (New): select_console fails to find prompt after login with util-linux 2.40
## Observation
The test dies at:
# Test died: Failed to confirm that login was successful at microos/products/m...


09:05 openQA Tests action #159159 (Feedback): [qe-core] chrome: New dialog 'privacy features'
## Observation
Google has updated their CHROME version in the google repo and our tests need adoption to keep up w...


07:24 openQA Tests action #158479 (Resolved): systemd-boot firstrun wizard
## Observation
The wizard used during first-boot has gained some more logic / UI changes and thus the test needs t...


09:11 openQA Tests action #158215 (Resolved): windows images cleaned up - but referenced in jobs
Recently, some old windows 10 images had been cleaned up from o3
First batch was fix in the jobgroups to reference t...


09:26 openQA Tests action #158035 (New): sshfs: there can be a question about untrusted host key
## Observation
openQA test in scenario opensuse-Tumbleweed-DVD-x86_64-upgrade_Leap_15.2_gnome@64bit fails in
09:19 openQA Tests action #158032 (New): children test: CD not 'in drive' - but repo is still present in the list
## Observation
This looks rather weird to only show up now - but the parent job used the DVD to install the system...


15:06 openQA Tests action #157678 (New): login_test: GNOME 46 control center / users loads 'root' user settings (then toggles auto-login on for it)
## Observation
The tests needs to be validated against UI changes of GNOME 46.
Specifically here, we load g-c-c...
15:04 openQA Tests action #157672 (New): gnote 46: cleanup_gnote needs to be adapted (no context menu to delete notes)
## Observation
With GNOTE 46, right-clicking a note to delete it is no longer possible
The relevant upstream comm...


14:56 openQA Tests action #157330 (Resolved): docker_firewall: fails to restart, errors in journal not available
Fixes and confirmed:
10:06 openQA Tests action #157330: docker_firewall: fails to restart, errors in journal not available
Addresses the issue of the journal (and othe...

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