# RC 2020-05-28 * action #61230: disable Factory submitter * action #61233: update openSUSE:Localization_guide * action #61236: update OpenSUSE_Localization_Teams * action #61242: enable countdown on www.opensuse.org * action #61245: announce package freeze * action #61260: EULA review/update * action #61266: prepare software.opensuse.org * action #61269: make counter.o.o/link point to new portal * action #61272: merge back maintenance updates * action #61275: make sure nvidia packages are ready for GA * action #61278: submit translation packages * action #61284: verify piwik works * action #61314: Security Audit * action #61500: submit translation packages * action #61503: openSUSE-EULAs up to date * action #61506: verify release counters for update * action #61509: remove beta marks * action #61515: enable OBS:Maintained attribute in :Update project * action #61518: release manager checklist * action #61542: make sure new maintenance packages end up in the release * action #61566: update branding * action #61569: compile a list of packages that are from sle but not maintained there * action #61587: eliminate duplicate binaries * action #61590: set up redirects for repository structure on download.o.o * action #61593: clean up build fails * action #61599: update desktop file translations