# Done Milestone to track done tasks (Tools team, originally used for "tickets to demo") * action #7086: add some worker version check * action #8082: calculate overall test result in os-autoinst or worker? * action #9906: Show added/updated needles in editor * action #10474: Check supported version of os-autoinst * action #10514: [tools][sprint 201711.2] Prevent test module name clashes (problem on loading test module twice / multiple times / more than one) * action #12092: [tools][dashboard][Feature] - make openQA show when a bug is marked as "RESOLVED FIXED" but still in the product * action #13524: Update current test module details when cancelling a running job * action #13920: Showing context builds test result in the view of current "Previous Results" * action #14580: Add ability to backup selected jobs/tests results outside of o.s.d/o.o.o * action #14674: ppc: os-autoinst uses the wrong qemu emulation * action #14904: log warn message: Can't call method "DISTRI" on an undefined value * action #15030: highlight actually matched tag in multi-tag needle tag info popup * action #15088: Build overview should display dependency relations between jobs * action #15192: [tools]DB exception popup while trying to add Test Suite with same name * action #15612: UI improvements in jobs templates * action #16076: parse_junit_log is crashing with xunit from Avocado / proper xunit parsing in openQA * action #16282: [tools][sprint 201711.2] documentation: Better API documentation * action #16418: [tools][sprint 201712.2] svirt: openQA won't perform another query_isotovideo check when VM is down -> incompletes * action #16496: [tools][sprint 201711.2] display current disk space consumption of job groups * action #16556: Need to display "incomplete" jobs in "Previous results" * action #17706: error creating needle "wrong parameters: imageversion" * action #17788: [tools]Uploading images chksum check relies on global /var/lib/openqa/share * action #17846: [tools][sprint 201712.2] Allow same group name within different parent groups * action #17874: test fails with DIE No map for '\r' in VNC.pm * action #17902: Check if qemu-img finished correctly and die if not * action #18460: Add full screen diff to needle preview * action #18462: Move GRU tasks into Minion jobs * action #18464: Display quotes for run_cmd in the log if there is whitespace * action #19408: interactive mode: stopped live view shows current needle, needle editor shows old needle * action #19424: [tools] logwarn: [websockets:error] Worker not found for given connection during connection close * action #19542: avoid type_string taking "too long" * action #19672: GRU may delete assets while jobs are registered * action #19730: [tools][openqa-monitoring] "can't remove " * action #19790: Broken links to the openQA documentation from github * action #19806: eth0 address of one node is sometime in use by other test in multimachine tests within same ovs VLAN * action #19996: [tools][sprint 201712.2] Show only online workers by default on the workers page `/admin/workers` * action #23318: Limit gru tasks * action #23422: [tools][sprint 201712.1] Same miniature for 2 steps * action #25290: Why do we now have two separate mechanisms by which workers report status to the server? * action #25412: Clone_job: support global variables * action #25572: [tools][needles]needles pushing can interfer with "fetchneedles" * action #25688: [tools][sprint 201710.1][sprint 201710.2][infrastructure] Upgrade openqa.suse.de and remote workers to sle12sp3 and 42.3 * action #25702: add option in tty console to change key * action #25766: [tools][sprint 201712.1][bonus] Displaying all Worker status by calling Websocket DBus service in the WebUI list is overkill * action #25892: Scheduling parallel jobs * action #27120: [tools][sprint 201711.2] Make worker upload part of its log to WebUI * action #27409: [tools][sprint 201711.2] Make an option for barriers to get destroyed if one of the jobs belonging to it fails * action #27454: [tools][scheduling] Worker's seen DB field is ignored by WebSocket server when checking for stale jobs * coordination #27832: [epic][tools][sprint 201712.2][bonus] Revamping of /admin/workers * action #27958: [tools][Sprint 201711.2] Allow filtering of jobs by worker_class. * action #28018: [tools] Regression: Page refresh of a liveview displays no image * action #28027: Add function to account for the unexpected in serial output * action #28192: opencv update in TW broke os-autoinst test suite * action #28325: [tools][sprint 201712.2][aarch64][bonus] worker incompletes job with timeout after ~9h on seattle14 - no action in log for more than 8h * action #28429: [tools][sprint 201711.2] Sqlite support busted * action #28705: [tools][sprint 201712.1] Fix travis problems with pull requests * action #28857: [tools][sprint 201712.2] t/25-serverstartup.t fails without MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=debug * action #28961: openQA in openQA tests are broken * action #29110: [tools][sprint 201712.2] Can't update job group settings * action #29241: Sorting scheduled jobs is broken * action #29304: [tools][Sprint 201711.2] logging timestamp lost sub-second precision (+ longer debug lines with not much helpful content) * action #29378: worker overview page changing column sort order when clicking on status pulldown menue * action #29529: openqa-websockets defaults to debug * action #29535: Regression: Can't delete jobs "holding" assets * action #30002: Provide currently installed os-autoinst version in openQA worker page and log * action #30124: don't set mail adress for system user * action #30267: [tools][Sprint 201711.2] Workaround memory dumps taking too long * action #30388: [qam] openqaworker10:4 - worker fail all tests - qemu instances are left behind * action #31045: Invalid URL gives 500 - should give 404 * action #31771: 0ac2c9f6cd1bd5f2d7091e1c08096152ed02a23f failing on chattr * action #31777: [tools][kernel] Better document serial terminal console (virtio_console) * action #31933: Uploaded asset fails moving file to final destination * action #32260: Improve worker version checking. * action #32263: [tools] Implement sub-reaper support in workers when starting isotovideo * action #32281: Can't locate images in Xen jobs * action #32587: mouse_hide(1) does not seems to work on non-qemu backends * action #32593: Multiple ttySx consoles for qemu * action #32602: HDD upload fails with 502: Proxy Error * action #32632: With caching enabled worker still requires /var/lib/openqa/share * action #32653: workers stall and no longer grab jobs * action #32725: [tools] Scheduler job_grab/filter_jobs refactoring * action #32887: Worker version is reset -> no jobs scheduled * action #33037: dead children uncaught (again) * action #33514: [tools] Use of uninitialized value $status in right bitshift (>>) * action #33529: isotovideo: backend takes 100 % of CPU when driving svirt job * action #33856: openQA needle editor causes internal server error at lib/OpenQA/WebAPI/Controller/Step.pm * action #33892: Allow the client to trigger a build for a jobgroup * action #34042: [tools] Worker goes to infinite loop during upload of screenshots in case of writing failure * action #34195: Replace "candidate needles combo box" in test details with popup containing tags/needles * action #34267: osd instance unresponsive (HTTP 502) * action #34282: implement catching errors in all our log_* functions * action #34396: Show bug name on mouseover * action #34504: [tools][sporadic] Job's auto_duplicate fails to duplicate job dependencies * action #34507: Document requirements for external test suite results to be rendered by openQA * action #34510: Add logrotate for logs in OSD * action #34519: Start migration to Boostrap 4 * action #34522: OBS openQA tests failing: DIE Can't call method "add_console" on unblessed reference * action #34525: Improve handling of screenshot inserts into the database * action #34531: Improvements to the job_module_needles table * action #35200: bootstrap 4: needle popup a little unaligned * action #35203: bootstrap 4: job group navigation misses divider * action #35206: Needle selection disfunctional on screenshots without tags * action #35221: Result boxes on test pages are hard to distinguish since bootstrap 4 * action #35224: bootstrap 4: The message-box (pop-up) that shows failing needles stays forever * action #35299: Potential corrupted file causing installation tests to fail * action #35374: Rendering of external harness output in test results as rows * action #35377: dump-templates renders versions not always as string * action #35380: Allow filtering of test steps for jobs that are finished * action #35383: Create a docker container to run unit and integration tests * action #35389: Improve performance of /admin/assets * action #35407: [kernel][tools] QEMU Refactor - Serialise state and reimplement SKIPTO * action #35431: [kernel][tools] QEMU Refactor - Clean up miscellaneous weird stuff * action #35434: [kernel][tools] QEMU Refactor - Ensure consistent use of List::Util, map and grep * action #35437: [kernel][tools] QEMU Refactor - Publish disk * action #35440: [kernel][tools] QEMU Refactor - Code format and rebase * action #35443: [kernel][tools] QEMU Refactor - Acceptance testing * action #35749: Ignore insert errors in limit_assets * action #35895: [os-autoinst-openvswitch][theory] problem with assigining VLANs tags - more testsuites are using the same VLAN? * action #35914: Changes to Job::duplicate * action #36264: Add _source field to every detail generated by parsers implementations * action #36307: Remove limit option in Next & previous results tab UI * action #36442: Access to running SUTs for System Developers * action #36454: Move 'Minimal developer mode' to openQA web UI * action #36565: parallel parents aren't killed when chained parents fail * action #36574: Display instructions how to connect when a job is in status waiting * action #36613: Implement WS connection from web UI to command server * action #36697: SLE-12-SP3-Server installation medium missing on openqaworker6:5 - iso was present in cache but then not in pool when starting VM * action #36727: job_grab does not cope with parallel cycles * action #36823: weird line break in failed module box - regression? * action #36826: popover on audit log is not clickable because of layout * action #36985: Allow _GROUP_ID for jobs posting * action #37009: openqa-scripts repo sync on OSD disabled and tainted * action #37375: Create UI elements for developer sessions and update them via WS connection * action #37420: Try OBS registry (registry.opensuse.org) * action #37423: Make parser tests less verbose * action #37453: Mark all restarted (cluster) jobs in UI * action #37519: horizontal wrapping of test steps displays broken, near-infinite horizontal scrolling bar instead * action #37692: Verbosity of isotovideo command server is too high by default * action #37973: Move os-autoinst Github repo to run tests within a Docker environment in Travis * action #38015: [qam] [sle15] Missing SLE5 iso * action #38351: openQA client requires "OpenQA::UserAgent" which is not provided in openSUSE package openQA-client * action #38447: "developer mode" on o3 does not seem to ever update the "current test module" and is stuck in "retrieving status" * action #38510: Allow os-autoinst to pause on next assert_screen timeout * action #38522: Updating Job Group default priority does not have effect on new tests added to that group * action #38555: Create OpenQA parser for IPA file format * action #38558: Add openqaworker13 to osd * action #38606: proceed_on_failure option in script_output is broken * action #38813: Qemu backend rewrite fallout * action #38822: Qemu: Could not open backing file: Cannot reference an existing block device with additional options or a new filename * action #39035: PFLASH files handling * action #39068: Webui killed by out of memory in o3 (triggered by postgresql) * action #39227: Handle the job being finished more nicely in developer mode * action #39275: Up and down keys don't work * action #39347: Upload of qcow2 fails with Mojolicious 7.88* * action #39494: Flaky exit status code on ppc64le * action #39503: svirt tests fail with unsupported update encoding -1733194013 at /.../consoles/VNC.pm line 988 * action #39515: videoencoder crashed on aarch64 * action #39560: Tests for blocked_by and loops inside of it * action #39629: openQA Scheduler refactor fallout * action #39692: openqaworker-arm-3 is outdated - "mutex_wait" is not exported by the lockapi module * action #39707: Constant subroutine * redefined at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.18.2/*-linux-thread-multi/_h2ph_pre.ph * action #39743: [o3][tools] o3 unusable, often responds with 504 Gateway Time-out * action #39761: [labs] openqaw7-hyperv.qa.suse.de not accessible * action #39776: Mojo::Reactor::Poll: I/O watcher failed: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: table "assets" already exists error should be recoverable * action #39806: [OpenQA][workers] 4/6 64bit-ipmi workers are down * action #39818: Enhance openQA docker image for tests * action #39833: [tools] When a worker is abruptly killed, jobs get blocked - CACHE: Being downloaded by another worker, sleeping * action #39881: Worker dies during file upload (Mojo bug) * action #39917: Remove "Jump to video" icon from "needle view" when video is unavailable * action #39980: Cache locks assets when worker dies in critical section * action #40004: worker continues to work on job which he as well as the webui considers dead * action #40088: sorting in worker page jobs table seems to be broken * action #40103: [o3] openqaworker4 not able to finish any jobs * action #40106: [functional][u][tools] /liveviewhandler/ route causes a lot of "502" errors * action #40148: [OpenQA][64bit-ipmi worker] Three online 64bit-ipmi workers do not take scheduled jobs for over 10 hours. * action #40157: Running out of space in openqa.suse.de for /var/lib/openqa * action #40223: Document GRU cleanup strategy * action #40352: Unexpected end of data from the backend * action #40415: Concurrent jobs with dependencies don't work if they are on different machines. * action #40583: Provide job stats for telegraf to poll * action #40652: AMQP on openqa.opensuse.org disfunctional * action #40661: Make it possible to overwrite/manipulate job template priority on isos posts * action #40772: Proper display of cluster/dependencies * action #40793: Prevent isotovideo <=> command server IPC to occasionally lose messages * action #40811: Single Machine jobs starve clusters * action #40823: get_version broken (broken in refactoring) * action #40871: Asset removed during job runtime * action #40898: openQA-client-4.6.1534873283.be929573-1.2.noarch missing dependency for JSON.pm * action #40904: Scheduler service is not started on package openQA-4.6.1536726988.de30ae3a-778.1.noarch * action #40973: worker retry seems to be bogus * action #41015: Don't use livehandler if no developer looks at it * action #41024: dashboard misses one state * action #41027: worker disconnects during cleanup * action #41048: job_networks not reliably deleted * action #41054: /tests is superslow if there are a lot of scheduled jobs * action #41066: Scheduling jobs for IPMI (bare metal) on the same worker (aka FOLLOW_TEST_DIRECTLY aka START_DIRECTLY_AFTER_TEST). * action #41075: Sync newly created needles with os-autoinst for developer mode * action #41102: Stale qemu processes are left again * action #41174: Treat jobs without job group with default timeouts * action #41399: Using 'Limit Match' filter on /admin/needles results in error 500 * action #41483: [tools] medium that should belong to job group was deleted after just 2 minutes making our SLE15 tests in build 47.1 useless ... and more * action #41486: Port openQA to Mojolicious 8.0 * action #41510: CSS class mismatch resborder_softfail vs. resborder_softfailed * action #41543: parallel_failed jobs miss t_finished * action #41756: module "failed_module" on /tests/overview does not show latest in each build / does not resolve latest build * action #41891: Worker stalled during flock * action #42089: Reduce debug impact of needle matching * action #42407: enable needeling using developer mode * action #42560: Progress bars on 'All tests' page broken * action #42563: Hide cloned jobs from job dependency graph * action #42569: Unexpected error when setting QEMURAM is specified twice on workers.ini * action #42584: Priority field in /tests is broken * action #42614: /admin/workers/X shows 'Never Started' as finished * action #42779: [tools] Make table headers more visible in openQA test result matrix * action #42947: Job group name can be updated with empty input then no link clickable * action #43031: Fix failing t/ui/13-admin.t * action #43100: Test result failed should not be overriden by softfailed * action #43112: Enhancement for overview page(s): show blocked in /tests/overview as well; rethink color choice for blocked * action #43229: Could openQA automatic takeover more than 1 known bsc/poo * action #43931: Message about deprecated calls "Mojo::Transaction::success is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojo::Transaction::result and Mojo::Transaction::error" * action #43952: developer mode: expand commands block on timeout * action #43991: Scheduler stays busy after restarting/clonging a job * action #44039: /admin/test_suites is broken without login * action #46967: [functional][u][tools] warning in bootloader_zkvm: Calling Net::SSH2::Channel::readline in non-blocking mode is usually a programming error * action #49946: NEW Mojolicious-8.13 breaks openqa build * action #50531: docs/images/architecture.svg is not colorblind friendly * action #51464: New (machine, test, medium ...) button does not work when search is used * action #52487: [webui] osd: audit log page takes 5 seconds to render a page * action #52928: scheduling: Cyclic dependencies created on sap jobs * action #53420: [tools] Bug title escaping on test result matrix page * action #53603: unstable test "t/33-developer_mode.t" * action #53858: flaky test: 25-cache-service.t * action #54203: workers with "--no-cleanup" empty the pool, most likely regression from "worker restructuring" * action #54464: qemu-img convert failed * action #54485: worker can not read out worker class and reverts to default * action #54680: Worker re-registration after websocket disconnects causes incompletes * action #54809: PUBLISH_HDD_1 fails with '/' in variable name * action #54827: [cache] downloading assets with `:` or `#` in filenames using the caching fails * action #55112: Load dashboard contents on demand * action #55241: Prevent spamming cleanup jobs * action #55328: job is considered incomplete by openQA but worker still pushes updates so that "job is not considered dead" * action #55373: Worker::Cache thinks no space is used when cache resides in symlinked folder pointing to other partition * action #55460: flaky test: t/33-developer_mode.t - not ok 308 - Wait for (?^:\"set_pause_on_screen_mismatch\":\"assert_screen\") timed out * action #55526: detection for still running qemu instance in worker only works with "--no-cleanup" * action #55529: job incompletes when it can not reach the openqa webui host just for a single time aka. retry on 521 connect timeout in cache * action #55541: from o3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::select_single(): Query returned more than one row. SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/WebAPI/Controller/Running.pm line 64 * action #55751: Formatting for
and tags in job description and group comments broken * action #55835: Support running multiple jobs directly in sequence on the same machine * action #55907: Deleting job results is too slow * action #56453: Asset limit for parent group * action #56813: START_AFTER_TEST dependency error should use `@$MACHINE` syntax * action #56876: YAML setting overwrite each other * action #56987: Polish UI of openQA's OBS plugin * action #56993: left-over qemu processes cause incomplete jobs with "Failed to find an available port: Address already in use", previous jobs failed but did not tear down qemu * action #57017: websocket service stalls for 10 minutes when a worker misbehaves * action #57113: livehandler service tries to load plugins and fails on obs rsync * action #57266: Forbid test suite name changes if used in job groups * action #57287: Limit assets task fails violating database key constraint * action #57338: unable to successfully restart a job because /media.1/media not found on medium * action #57413: sort order of running tests takes 'not yet' as very old * action #57662: monitoring considered harmful * action #57707: isotovideo fails to terminate cleanly, message "isotovideo: unable to inform websocket clients about stopping command server: Request timeout", regression from 4cd4af2b * action #57785: Remove all assets in iso * action #58097: Script openqa-load-templates dose not support --group, openQA document gives a wrong example. * action #58124: When re-adding an existed job group in a parent job group, the web page stays in the waiting result. * action #58133: Hide old job templates editor for new groups * coordination #58166: EPIC: Continue tests after failures on !qemu * action #58319: [openqa-client] make --form visible in the help output * action #58367: vnc port information is wrong for > 99 * action #58484: jobs are stuck in downloading while cache service died * action #58625: add new medium faild if you first search item * action #59008: 900GB of assets not tracked ('other' assets?) * action #59082: Dependency graph shows just test name (misses machine) * action #59094: Allow hiding/collapsing the left-hand yaml guide * action #59151: Move sha256 files to 'other' * action #59184: Research about testing with a custom git ref * action #59187: unstable/flaky test: ui/15-admin-workers.t * action #59190: Broken SSH serial console * action #60140: job incompletes failing on initial asset download with "Asset was already requested by another job" * action #60191: Proposal: Drop support for Leap 42.3 + SLE12 * action #60389: Use human readable sizes in Cache Service logs * action #60413: status favicon for job details shows "scheduled" instead of running on firefox * action #60539: openQA remote-back-ends crashes with Xvnc >= 1.9.80 * action #60560: Self-investigate potential reasons for failures in openQA * action #60866: Periodic stale job detection keeps scheduler busy producing a massive number of incomplete jobs (was: Again many incomplete jobs with no logs at all) * action #60884: openqa-clone-custom-git-refspec has issue with NEEDLES_DIR 'null' * action #61019: new needle can not download during development mode * action #61064: testapi.pm should sleep before clicking * action #61143: Show asset table also when cleanup is ongoing * action #61167: "Possible attempt to separate words with commas" in os-autoinst t/18-qemu.t * action #62015: jobs incomplete without logs as some workers are rejected (was: Scheduler does not work) * action #62021: Add test for gh#os-autoinst/openQA#2655 * action #62237: many incompletes with just "setup failure" and no further information * action #62243: After latest updates, openQA has problematic behavior on Dell Precision 5810 * action #15668: [kernel][LTP][OpenQA] hyperthreading ht_interrupt won't run * action #23612: [tools]/usr/bin/isotovideo: backen: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.18.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Net/SSH2/SSH2.so: undefined symbol: libssh2_session_set_last_error * action #25286: [sle][functional][u][qam][tools] Wrong URL for repositories -> repo symlinks deleted on osd prematurely? * action #25964: [tools][aarch64] test ends incomplete after first_boot - Fail to make snapshot * action #29637: [tools][kernel] test suddenly print login words -> script_output used wrong * action #33919: [kernel] nvmftests fail for Leap 15 * action #34123: [kernel]wicked_basic: invalid bash syntax * action #34297: [kernel][hpc] Need provide separate reg key for SLE 15 HPC aarch/x86 install jobs * action #37674: [QAM] [SLE 15] test fails in evolution_prepare_servers - test does not support SLE 15 * action #37925: [QAM] [SLE 15] Make SLE-HPC product installation compatible with QAM update flow * action #38000: [sle15] [qam] test fails in bootloader_s390 - Could not retrieve required variable REPO_0 * action #38108: [openqa][kernel] Power down needs to have longer timeout due longer shutdown of BTRFS related service * action #38135: [qam] [sle15] test fails in userspace_bind - qa_test_bind is not updated for SLE15 * action #38261: [qam] test fails in keymap_or_locale - tested text not written in console * action #39536: [qam] test fails in patch_and_reboot - add missing variables for qam test issues * action #39749: [kernel] wrong "start-after" reference kills testcase * action #39887: [kernel] [sle] [network] test fails in before_test - network failure * action #40181: [network] test fails in before_test - wicked basic test fails on 15SP1 * action #40547: [qam][opensuse] test fails in updates_packagekit_kde - job timeout * action #43895: [kernel] test fails in enable_kdump - yast bug but no logs recorded * action #47336: [migration] orphaned_packages_check.pm - use for other products? * action #50615: [functional][y] test fails in await_install - does not catch rebootnow * action #53534: [opensuse][kde] test fails in await_install - timeout not working properly * coordination #55556: [epic][osd][functional][u] osd: Untracked assets that most likely should be tracked * action #58013: [aarch64] Some incompletes due to slow migration * action #58361: [opensuse] test fails in gnucash * action #60467: test fails in first_boot - Undefined subroutine &opensusebasetest::is_desktop_installed called at /var/lib/openqa/cache/openqa1-opensuse/tests/opensuse/lib/opensusebasetest.pm line 820. * action #60740: test fails in gnuhealth_setup * action #60743: [qam] Migrate to file failed, it has been running for more than 240 at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/qemu.pm line 263. * action #61149: test fails in gnuhealth_setup * action #61910: [aarch64][tools] test fails in boot_to_desktop to select boot device for aarch64 using the tianocore menu * action #62009: [openqa-in-openqa] test fails in openqa_worker during a zypper install * action #38552: Add infinibad servers to osd * action #38609: reconfigure openqaworker11 openqaworker12 and both staging instances * action #41336: Create a monitoring dashboard for openqa.suse.de * action #41846: Link version to a possible deployed delta * action #53234: all jobs on aarch64.o.o incompleted with "Permission denied" on /dev/hugepages, "others" had no r/w * action #53570: Failed service "logrotate" on aarch64.o.o and openqaworker1.o.o * action #53573: Failed service "irqbalance" on aarch64.o.o * action #54308: Failed to open /var/lib/openqa/.config/openqa/client.conf: Permission denied at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/UserAgent.pm line 42 * action #56819: worker cacheservice on *arm* does not seem to be reboot safe (race condition with nvme prepare?) * action #57476: Recurring partitions full and logrotate fails, possibly due to disabling /var/log/openqa as log target * action #57539: imagetester is incompleting all jobs with existing but empty logs, as /var/lib/openqa/pool is full * action #58373: Proposal: Poll test and needle repos every minute to make people wait less for updates in tests or needles * action #59855: openqaworker-arm-1 seems to be under serious distress "kernel:[93903.692361] BUG: workqueue lockup - pool cpus=32 node=0 flags=0x0 nice=0 stuck for 42657s!" * action #60653: salt patch for "host not found" does not apply cleanly anymore on all x86_64 workers, ppc64le and aarch64 still have old versions * action #60923: [alert] /srv about to run full, postgres logs very big due to repeated error "duplicate key value violates unique constraint "screenshots_filename", Key (filename)=(8ca/3c9/98a00d8bb2ccba5a2de1d403b5.png) already exists. INSERT INTO screenshots …" * action #60959: Seems we have many incompletes since 2019-12-12 on o3 , failing just in the middle of test modules with no logs uploaded * action #61218: ** PROBLEM Service Alert: ariel-opensuse.suse.de/SSH is CRITICAL ** * action #61913: rollback of CI pipeline fails to read old package version from non-existing file "before" * action #61916: rollback of OSD CI deployment pipeline can only be triggered if all previous steps are complete * action #61985: Clarification of "openqa" and "infra" queues in https://infra.nue.suse.com/SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue.html * action #62048: monitor incompletes * action #62063: Monitor failed systemd services * action #62198: failed services os-autoinst-openvswitch.service on powerqaworker-qam-1 and malbec * action #62201: auto-update failed on osd arm1 * action #62228: powerqaworker-qam-1 is down * action #62312: auto-update failed on osd arm1