# Current Sprint Milestone to track current sprint tasks (Tools team) * action #10418: worker: do not warn on expected problems * action #10936: check_screen should fail hard if it was called without any tags * action #12128: pushing needles from osd to gitlab fails but needle is present in repo * action #15384: Support jobs having an external reference * action #15438: Cache needle images outside of needle object * action #16276: notifications about failed and unreviewed jobs * action #16354: Unambiguous lookup of "preferred machine" for same amount of multiple machine types * action #18076: [tools][openqa-monitoring] no products found, retrying version wildcard * action #19652: devel:openQA/openQA runs no tests on Tumbleweed * action #20464: [scheduling] Job created with "jobs post" not expand specified MACHINE variable * action #20812: Jobs will be assigned to workers with wrong arch unless WORKER_CLASS is set somewhere * action #28714: [tools] Investigate why sporadically job is set to scalar value of the reference instead of the reference itself. * action #29399: Escape function parameter before logging them * action #29419: [tools] MULTINET parameter cause incomplete job * action #30274: isos post sometimes trigger iso_cancel for whole product * action #30730: [tools] Improve behaviour of "isos post" when triggering a (sub)set of jobs with parent jobs (e.g. qcow creation jobs) * action #31501: isotovideo crashes when using variable RUN_VNCVIEWER in t/99-full-stack.t * action #33676: Group results by group name, not build number in parent_group_overview * action #33706: Parameterize workaround property * action #33946: Iso image of Parent Job is downloaded even if "--skip-deps" property is specified while cloning Child Job * action #35395: assert_and_click should have an option to leave the mouse * action #36232: Rendering of external harness output in a separate table * action #37312: Workers were deleted and recreated * action #39845: Results of tests with very short duration (~<10s) are not displayed * action #40895: travis CI tests report a lot of "Use of uninitialized value $expr in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/perl5/5.18.2/B/Deparse.pm line 1370." * action #42050: Improve video player (was: Add note about time scaling of OGV files) * action #42074: coverage output in os-autoinst seems incomplete * action #42986: parallel jobs not reliable killed/restarted * action #43928: error about "permission denied" in openqa-workercache service logs trying to call "find" on "lost+found" directory of cache * action #43949: developer mode: commands process is running amok * action #43973: WebUI produces invalid links for builds with multiple distris * action #44105: if workercache dies, we get *tons* of incompletes * action #44240: Fix flaky t/25-cache-service.t * action #44249: developer mode: "Stop timeout" - like in the old interactive mode :) * action #44291: Document developer mode * action #44363: Exit worker with non-zero return code in error cases * action #44597: Synchronize perlcritic checks between openQA and os-autoinst * action #44660: Make developer mode client aware of os-autoinst version * action #44690: [tools] Repos in http://openqa.suse.de/assets/repo/fixed/ got deleted from time to time after new openqa deployment * action #44771: [tools][svirt] Can't call method "exec" on an undefined value * action #44960: apparmor denies access to asset cache on o3 * action #44969: Wrong 'new needle with matching tags has been created since the job started' warning message * action #45014: Stop using Mojo::IOLoop as an event emitter * action #45041: Asset cache cleanup still fails if new jobs are created at the same time * action #45191: developer mode: error message just when clicking "Cancel job" * action #45215: "docker-test" vs. "docker-tests" * action #45275: Fix bug in worker status update and improve error handling * action #45278: Improve developer mode for re-needling use case * action #45290: Reuse more Minion infrastructure for Gru * action #45746: Needle selection shows 100% for matched needles (even if 98%) * action #45878: Create diagram of openQA architecture * action #45890: [tools] testsuite description in the bug reporting template * action #46187: Create list of "worker responsibilities" * action #46598: Test results from SLE12SP4 milestones are gone * action #46664: useless debug output of "GLOB(…)" from openQA worker * action #46667: Define version-able and human readable format for job scheduling-related tables * action #46673: Extend tables for job scheduling by another table for parameters * action #46721: "Use of uninitialized value $pause_test_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/OpenQA/Isotovideo/CommandHandler.pm line 188." when using PAUSE_AT and developer mode * action #46742: test incompletes trying to revert to qemu snapshot auto_review:"Could not open backing file: Could not open .*.qcow.*No such file or directory", likely premature deletion of files from cache * action #46802: Replace D-Bus with plain HTTP * action #46823: [tools] show report bugzilla/progress bug icons also for serial output * action #46952: rsync exiting with 24 needs to be handled * action #47060: [worker service][scheduling] openqaworker2:21 ~ openqaworker2:24 stops getting new jobs for over 1 day. * action #47087: [scheduling] Workers on openqaworker2 stuck frequently * action #47213: Change favicon of test details page based on test result * action #47285: Bug in priority in openQA webui when set to zero * action #47372: tests crash while deleting needles * action #48182: [openqa] Disable bug carry over for a job group * action #48422: Workers stay in inconsistent job relationship * action #48452: needledir not found after run openqa-clone-custom-git-refspec script on a job with dynamic needle switching/reloading * action #48758: Prevent empty/invalid step before "Soft failure" * action #48791: Offer a way for admins to delete stale workers * action #49070: [functional][u] hovering +1 next to a failed test suite should list the remaining modules * action #49175: Make needle deletion a GRU/Minion task * action #49535: Improve time to schedule a build * action #49676: test fails in bootloader_s390: Backend died, "Unable to execute smart_agetty hvc0: no libssh2 error registered" * action #49793: Can't locate object method "blessed" via package "Error authenticating at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/consoles/VNC.pm line 227. * action #49943: [tools] Add new needle match type: "click" * action #50225: Make JOB_TIMEOUT incompletes more obvious * action #50963: Make admin tables real data tables * action #51440: [tools] can't create new needle via webui * action #51479: Some jobs don't get all the %variables% properly expanded * action #51719: "New Test Suite " button in admin/test_suites can not be used with filter * action #51932: Trimming of white spaces on "machine definition" * action #52235: isotovideo -d broken * action #52247: autoinst-log.txt opened with wrong path * action #52490: Yaml appears in every jobtemplate_create audit log * action #52493: Filter according to machine in 'Test result overview' * action #52652: openQA test suite fails in package %check section, e.g. in 13-osutils.t of openSUSE_Factory (i586 and x86_64) * action #52685: Support customizing port numbers * action #52745: openQA pagination breaks design on smartphone display * action #52934: [o3] AMQP does not send any events * action #53498: [sporadic] openQA CI tests fail on master in flaky/unstable t/ui/26-jobs_restart.t * action #53588: o3: yaml output of tumbleweed group looks wrong * action #53675: /admin/needles: Provide options to limit use/match going back in time further * action #53762: /admin/needles can be misleading in mentioning needle as "never used" when it is referenced from a symlinked needles repo * action #53771: unstable test: t/ui/15-comments.t in line 102: "got: 'Demo wrote less than a minute ago (last edited less than a minute ago)'" expected: 'Demo wrote less than a minute ago' * action #53915: switch "travis_test" aka. "openqa_dev" container to a supported base since Leap 42.3 is EOL * action #54032: flaky test: t/full-stack.t "not ok 44 - Cache tests", subtest: "not ok 17 - test 6 is passed" at /opt/testing_area/openqa/t/lib/OpenQA/Test/FullstackUtils.pm line 120. * action #54350: Generate docs for all PRs without publishing them * action #54467: automatic OBS submissions of openQA looses history in openQA-worker-test.changes * action #54548: Use of `record_serialresult` in `validate_script_output` is very confusing * action #54902: openQA on osd fails at "incomplete" status when uploading, "502 response: Proxy Error" * action #55052: Support for ovmf => 2019 or "current Tumbleweed can not execute UEFI tests anymore" * action #55346: packaging test as part of every PR * action #55454: The job group YAML schedule should support multiple scenarios with different variables, not just settings * action #55478: Evaluate circleci for openQA * action #55634: Trying to delete single asset over /admin/assets does not seem to have any effect * action #55703: send_keys() doesn't guarantee that the application will handle modifiers+normal_key properly * coordination #55730: [epic] Move parameters from test suites into job groups * action #55829: defaults section in YAML group settings does not support settings sub-section * action #56279: "Preview changes" after Job Group YAML edit should allow to see changes in "resulting YAML" * action #56405: Failed to execute the test suite when the test result directory is too long * action #56426: Yaml API routes shouldn't be experimental * action #56447: openqaworker-arm-2 is out-of-space on /was: openQA on osd fails with empty logs * action #56480: YAML Editor: Cannot use browser search to search in YAML * action #56522: Create cron job which will create pull requests with list of current openQA-devel dependencies with version * action #56525: Create rpm requires from cpanfile * action #56540: convert staging job groups to YAML * action #56810: "stale element reference: element is not attached to the page" during tests on 15.1 * action #56966: Job template name is not applied to scenario name * action #57047: Mark .circleci/dependencies.txt as generated file * action #57050: Turn off travis * action #57065: [YAML] Editor does not support several rounds of editing * action #57107: Spammy log message in `journalctl -u openqa-webui` about `BEGIN WORK, COMMIT` without further helpful information * action #57143: [YAML] Editor does not check if same combination of test suite/arch/flavor/version already used in different job group * action #57419: Display time spent on particular module * action #57548: Move building and publishing of docs to CircleCI * action #57719: Use of uninitialized value in numeric ne (!=) at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/OpenQA/Qemu/DriveDevice.pm line 124. * action #57776: "log_fatal" should mention calling method, not the log message handler itself * action #57845: Switch more job groups to YAML job templates * action #58010: Cannot mix placeholder styles \\\"\$1\\\" and \\\"?\\\" at /usr/lib/perl5\\/vendor_perl/5.26.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/DBD/Pg.pm line 277 * action #58130: yaml: Can't use . in job names * action #58289: Huge amount of "Needle file .* not found where expected. Check /var/lib/openqa for distri symlinks" on o3 in /var/log/openqa * action #58394: Update to new perltidy version 20190915 * action #58490: 400 bad request error msg popup after load_templates --update * action #58499: [experiment][6w] Have a Scrum Master for the tools team to improve team work / backlog efficiency * action #58652: Write a training file about how to use YAML in job group * action #58700: It seems we have "Test schedule has changed, reloading test_order.json" in *every* job now, I doubt the schedule actually changes * action #58826: Result not rendered in detail view on short (e.g. <10s) test-modules, if job is still running * action #59097: The test result overview page display the test suite name not job template name * action #59103: Remove CURRENT repositories that are older than a month * action #59148: Support YAML merge keys in Job Group Editor * action #59267: test incompletes in installation_overview - when trying to switch to root-ssh? * action #59294: [openqa-in-openqa] test fails in test_running - worker does not pick up jobs * action #59330: "needledir not found: .*null/": openqa-clone-custom-git-refspec fails setting NEEDLES_DIR=null with new os-autoinst or openQA * action #59391: Prevent depletion of space on /tmp due to mojo.tmp files from os-autoinst * action #59888: Take directory mtime of assets into account * action #59957: The docs publish job creates PRs with no changes * action #60014: Show YAML editor for unmigrated groups * action #60017: Document process and potential issues with migration to YAML * action #60020: Provide a script to migrate job groups to YAML automatically * action #60035: [unstable] flaky/sporadic failure of plugin_obs_rsync_async in OBS tests (and circle CI) * action #60118: load_templates does not load JobGroups (unless they exist) * action #60278: circleci fails on personal fork when branch "gh-pages" does not exist * action #60329: Use more parameterized job templates for test suites only used once * action #60371: Fix variable precedence and predence overriding in job templates YAML documents * action #60440: Add monitoring for Minion job queue on every worker * action #60458: Improve consistency of job states/results (was: /tests/overview shows Passed: 0, Failed: 0 in summary but nothing else for a build that consists of single incomplete job only) * action #60626: "Download .* processed" but ending up with setup-failure, workers are missing updated perl-Mojolicious >= 8.24 * action #60713: left-over files in /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/tmp * action #60755: t/07-commands.t fails in OBS tests with "not ok 6 - commands server stopped" * action #60782: descriptions for parameterized job templates independant of test suite descriptions * action #60815: Broken SSH serial console (again) * action #60926: postgres error "duplicate key value violates unique constraint "screenshots_filename", Key (filename)=(8ca/3c9/98a00d8bb2ccba5a2de1d403b5.png) already exists. INSERT INTO screenshots …" * action #61919: job_groups_and_parents is called for every request including images and api calls * action #62219: jobs post does not support to trigger a test suite that is defined in YAML with a new alias * action #62387: easily pluggable reproducer injection * action #62459: Retry on download errors within GRU download tasks * action #62738: Allow testsuite: null in Jobtemplate YAML * action #63089: Trim testsuite settings spaces when editing in WebUI * action #63133: SLE needles git repo looses upstream branch configuration, needles are saved but fail to be pushed * action #63199: ObsRsync obsoletes rather than deprioritizes older builds * action #63244: Ensure apache timeouts are higher than openQA internal ones (was: Latest version of openQA webui dashboard can not display big test result) * action #63565: The extra setting is added to the new job when cloning a job * action #63712: Have git-clone-custom-refspec pickup tests from PR descriptions * action #63808: Improve bmwqemu::log_call() function output * action #63856: help icon shines through user menu * action #63988: [openqa-in-openqa] test fails in start_test – failed to clone job to local instance, error 503 by apache proxy * action #64075: Use validation consistently in WebAPI controllers * action #64361: load_templates or something else creates invalid test suites * action #64454: sporadic fails of t/api/08-jobtemplates.t on "Failed test 'posting invalid YAML template results in error'" * action #64767: Refactor OBS perl update script * action #64854: qemu-img error message is incorrectly tried to be parsed as JSON auto_review:"malformed JSON string" * action #64926: Cleanup temporary files from tests in os-autoinst * action #64977: [opensuse] test fails in zypper_ref - test runs before repo synced * action #65283: many screenshots on o3 show no result, no popup, update of URL in address bar only flashes for a second * action #65579: openQA backend died when check a needle that only has one area and its type is ocr * action #65705: Tests can hang when waiting for a cache service request * action #66230: Add a JSON schema for schedule YAML files * action #66268: Ensure proper evaluation and download of _URL parameters on "jobs post", not only "isos post" (was: There is FOO_URL in settings, but no FOO in settings, the job failed when using `jobs post`) * action #66325: Add missing dependencies to os-autoinst spec * action #66649: Test GitHub actions for os-autoinst * action #66781: hidden keys in yaml job templates * action #66988: Mojo::Reactor::Poll: I/O watcher failed: Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/CacheService/Response/Status.pm line 20. * action #67576: [spike:20h] github as authentication provider * action #68284: Selenium tests fail with "sendKeysToElement: Server returned error message" on CircleCI * action #25864: [tools][functional][u] stall detected in openqaworker-arm-1 through 3 sometimes - "worker performance issues" * action #42500: [qam][blue] Handle send email via mutt when evolution is not installed, evolution is part of WE module * action #52214: [functional][y] test fails in yast2_apparmor * action #54293: [tools] less getty workarounds possible? (was: getty workarounds should not be needed on Linux >= 4.20.4) * action #57014: [tools] test fails in test_results - command 'openqa-client jobs/1/cancel post' fails * action #59882: test fails in evolution_mail_imap to find certificate screen - potential regression from os-autoinst "slower typing"? * action #60008: [openqa-in-openqa] test fails in test_distribution due to zypper failing on a devel repo during fetching. Need retry in zypper * action #60401: [tools] DRY aka. "reduce duplication" in method wait_boot and tests/installation/first_boot * action #60545: [tools] test fails in first_boot stuck on "displaymanager" needle though password prompt was already handled * action #66796: [qam] [thunderbird] test fails in thunderbird_imap * action #20914: [tools] configure vm settings for workers with rotating discs * action #32605: bring openqaworker10 back into the infrastructure (was: openqaworker10 is giving us many incompletes "DIE can't open qmp") * action #41882: all arm worker die after some time * action #52964: s390x builds are triggered twice * action #53135: self-tests for salt-states-openqa * action #55061: openqa-metrics.service failed on openqaworker-arm-2 since "Jul 24 17:07:08" * action #55064: nscd.service failed on openqaworker-arm-2 (and other arm machines as well) * action #55154: osd reporting monitoring alerts about "CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 16 seconds Service: HTTP access openqa" and "CRITICAL - I/O stats tps=2108.80 KB_read/s=322876.80 KB_written/s=100.80 iowait=0.88 Service: iostat openqa" * action #55691: ask Engineering Infrastructure to change monitoring ping check target from / to /tests to reduce performance impact * action #56588: Check failed services on our workers * action #56855: Move SLE-15-SP2:GA:TEST to ObsRsync Plugin * action #56957: ObsRsync plugin tolerate OBS publisher behavior * action #57461: Remove openqaw1/2/3/4 as OSD workers - openqaw3/4 have been unused since probably 2 years (!) * action #57494: increase space for o3, potentially split /assets and /results same as for osd * action #57956: Migrate all o3 job groups to yaml * action #57962: Needle load time increase * action #58331: salt does not apply "gpgautoimport" or "keeppackages" in salt * action #58346: o3 openqaworker1 and openqaworker4 are completely down on 2019-10-18 * action #58403: openqaworker1 and w4 are repeatedly down * action #58550: tests failing in https://gitlab.suse.de/openqa/salt-pillars-openqa , probably since reusing the .gitlab-ci.yml from salt-states-openqa? * action #58727: openqa-aarch64 from o3 slower than usual aka. os-autoinst is too slow pressing F2 causing ARM tests to fail in "boot_to_desktop" * action #58945: OpenQA worker service not restarted after OpenQA update * action #58956: salt minion on arm workers sometimes do not respond * action #59079: handle machines that are down gracefully * action #59382: openqaworker-arm-1 is down, was automatically power cycled by grafana+gitlab, no reaction, power cycled again, SOL is unresponsive * action #59388: arm-1 / out-of-space warning * action #59858: "Migrate to file failed, it has been running for more than 240 at /usr/lib/os-autoinst/backend/qemu.pm line 260." broken NVMe on openqaworker13, jobs incomplete trying to save snapshots * action #59870: media are not synced anymore on o3 * action #59960: Apparmor errors with second rsync plugin run * action #60023: Disable rsync.pl on o3 * action #60032: Provide CHECKSUM_ISO parameter to ObsRsync call * action #61074: All ppc64le and aarch64 osd workers fail to access external https and devel:languages:go due to cert problems (but not x86_64 and not o3 workers) * action #61085: New Tumbleweed Snapshot (20191216) does not show up on QA * action #61094: o3: cleanup of snapshot-changes * action #61620: imagester is offline * action #61844: auto_review:"download failed: 521 - Connect timeout" Network issues on openqaworker-arm-3 (and others) * action #62102: aarch64.o.o did not come up after nightly upgrade due to grub2-arm64-efi upgrade (boo#1162320) * action #62849: broken NVMe on openqaworker4 auto_review:"No space left on device" * action #63136: Use reference with API requests to protect against mid-air collisions * action #64096: partition /srv was nearly depleted but now fixed (itself?) * action #64496: job_templates_scheduling API always returns YAML, even if client requests JSON * action #65202: o3 is very slow/unresponsive and runs into timeouts * action #66676: Add `qemu_aarch32` to WORKER_CLASS for openqa-aarch64 machine