# Bugfree 2017-07-21 * action #16742: set end of life attribute in product file * action #16818: announce GM deadline internally * action #16820: check manual was generated for OSP * action #16822: Send Gold Master announcement for developers * action #16826: IPRQ * action #16834: verify test updates are removed from the patterns * action #16836: merge back maintenance updates * action #16838: call to update release notes * action #16840: evaluate results of manual testing with release manager * action #16850: Security Audit * action #16998: fix link on openqa.opensuse.org for goldmaster DVD * action #17010: translate openSUSE-EULAs * action #17016: release manager checklist for GM * action #17018: submit translation packages * action #20376: communicate translation deadline * action #20616: turn off tools * action #20636: get iso images signed