# Milestone 10 2017-09-22 * action #9498: [functional]Advanced Handling of Dependency issues * action #16500: [sle][opensuse][functional]test fails in yast2_control_center because test didn't expect root password promt * action #19510: [sles][functional] Installation from ISO in external drive * action #19808: [sle][functional][opensuse]separate test for yast2_clone_system * action #20064: [sles][functional][yast] Bring peace and order to autoyast profiles * action #20606: [tools][sprint 201709.2][sprint 201710.1]Disable live log view by default * action #20824: [sles][functional] test fails in change_desktop - Failed to select default product pattern, later then fails with booting into wrong session * action #20962: [sle] [functional] clone_job fails in start_test * action #20984: [sle][functional][sle15] adapt minimal_base+sdk_create_hdd test for sle 15 * action #21044: [sle][functional][sle15] adapt create_hdd_textmode test suite for sle 15 * action #23320: [tools][sprint 201709.2][sprint 201710.1][sprint 201710.2] move locks/mutexes/barriers/job restarts out of scheduler * action #23402: [sles][functional] Adjust create_hdd_gnome test suite for sle15 * action #23856: [sle][functional] Adjust test to the changes in welcome screen * action #23938: [sle][functional] Remove workarounds for broken dependencies and fail accordingly