# Prototype 2013-03-14 First prototype with the basic workflow * action #104: Devise * action #105: Initial setup: inherited resources, twitter bootstrap... * action #106: User profiles * action #108: Tests for basic user action * action #109: User roles and access control * action #111: Request model with state_machine * action #113: Requests index with filters * action #114: Missing fields for Request Model * action #115: Model RequestExpense and cocoon * action #116: Fix views for Request * action #117: Reimbursement and ReimbursementExpense models * action #118: Reimbursement workflow * action #120: Fix views for Reimbursements * action #121: Events CRUD * action #122: Periods CRUD * action #123: Home page * action #125: Internationalization English * action #126: Documentation for release * action #127: Source code documentation * action #196: Routes reorganization: event centric application * action #211: Views improvements for collapsible elements * action #245: API and controllers refactoring * action #246: Deploy a test-drive installation