# Sprint 15 UI Cleanup and Dashboard * action #2864: Add in the interface a way to add margin search in the area * action #5428: import results.json into database as much as possible * action #5640: adjust autotest::loattest to hide CASEDIR * action #6148: Show dependency failure in UI * action #6180: Store the live log somewhere out of the testresults * action #6344: Add hidden flag to JobSettings to prevent privacy leak * action #6376: rethink popups in build overview * action #6378: webui allows capital letters in distribution names * action #6390: store interactive flag in worker properties * action #6404: make user management less error prone * action #6408: Create a dashboard as main entry * action #6414: Meaningful and understandable products * action #6424: admintable not made for text * action #6438: Network for multi-machine - static confiuration * action #6442: Admin/Workers and Admin/JobTemplates are not ported to jQuery tables yet * action #6446: Dependencies in new dashboard Scheduled table are not links * action #6448: When the test starts and page is refreshed, Test time prints 'NaN years ago' * action #6450: Posting iso without build number results with different names in Scheduled and Done table * action #6464: /tests/overview *very* slow * action #6468: data directory hierarchy * action #6472: Cancel buttons missing in new dashboard * action #6474: Both livelog and livestream are not working * action #6476: Improve job templates page * action #6562: needle editor coverage * action #6604: needle tooltips are a mess * action #6608: one module stays running in case of failures * action #6610: buggy radio buttons in needle editor * action #6612: Tags button doesn't work on needle editor * action #6614: Name field doesn't update in needle editot * action #6618: The job modules aren't updated correctly * action #6656: the tags lsit inside of JSON info doesn't update when switching the needle on needle editor * action #6678: come up with a job group in migration * action #6764: Soft Failures are not shown on the test results screen * action #6784: Test marked 'failed' without apparent reason * action #6794: not all jobs have a group_id after scheduling * action #6820: interactive mode broken * action #6822: WORKERCLASS does not work * action #6828: still mistyping in bootloader