


action #68755

Updated by riafarov over 3 years ago

## Observation 

 openQA test in scenario opensuse-Tumbleweed-DVD-ppc64le-yast2_ncurses@ppc64le fails in 
 two times same failure on TW 2020707 

 vnc service restart seems to fail. 

 Actual problem is soft-failure we have. So on the initial check port is still closed, so we try to start the service. 
 So I believe problem is that there is delay in the port openning, but service is running. 
 As test didn't fail in the last runs, we should at least remove soft-failure, and verify that service is running even when port is open. 

 It also would make sense to soften check, so we validate that port gets open in some time-frame (e.g. 30 seconds). 

  sub check_service_listening { 
      my $cmd_check_port = $is_older_product ? 'netstat' : 'ss -tln | grep -E LISTEN.*:5901'; 
      if (script_run($cmd_check_port)) { 
          record_soft_failure 'boo#1088646 - service vncmanager is not started automatically'; 
          systemctl('status vncmanager', expect_false => 1); 
          systemctl('restart vncmanager'); 
          systemctl('status vncmanager'); 
          assert_script_run $cmd_check_port; 
 ``` will analyse later 

 ## Test suite description 
 Maintainer: qsf-y Test for yast2 UI, ncurses only. Running on created gnome images which provides both text console for ncurses UI tests as well as the gnome environment for the GUI tests. 
 riafarov set TIMEOUT_SCALE to improve stability of the test. 

 ## Reproducible 

 Fails since (at least) Build [20200707]( 

 ## Expected result 

 Last good: [20200706]( (or more recent) 

 ## Further details 

 Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( 
