2020-01-07 heroes meeting [20:00:45] Happy new year and welcome to the heroes meeting ;-) [20:01:04] We have lots of topics today, see https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/60578 [20:01:21] therefore let's try to handle the first two questions in parallel ;-) [20:01:28] a) who is here for the meeting? [20:01:36] b) does someone from the community have a question? [20:01:47] a) here! :-) [20:03:28] I wonder if everybody else is hiding, or if you scared them away with your flood of status reports on the ML ;-) [20:04:04] sorry :-/ [20:04:32] well, that's what I'd call a "success problem" ;-) - no need to be sorry! [20:05:07] we'd have a much shorter TODO list if everybody would have done as much as you did in the last weeks! [20:05:34] lol ;-) [20:06:03] I'd say let's continue with, surprise, status reports - maybe someone else arrives in the meantime [20:06:09] short report from me: [20:06:47] I had temporarily routed static.o.o via login2 when we had the strange problems with proxy.o.o in December (see my mail on the ML) [20:07:03] I'm here, hello [20:07:14] in the meantime, I switched it back to proxy.o.o (to the main IP as CNAME, not to the separate IP it had before) [20:07:35] and everything seems to work - so whatever happened in December seems to be fixed [20:08:15] besides that, I got sidetracked by some interesting 36c3 videos and therefore didn't have much time to work on the infrastructure [20:08:47] lcp_: I think you could give a quick status report about https://github.com/hellcp/planet-o-o ;-) [20:09:58] (also a quick question - your planet.ini has "author" as a multi-value field - wouldn't it make sense to spit it into "irc", "username", "member" and "gsoc"?) [20:10:08] I wish I could [20:10:37] I would have to ask upstream to change the behaviour, keep in mind all of that is saved to the database before being transformed into posts [20:11:19] so I just abuse this to make this less of a nightmare to maintain for myself and for upstream >:D [20:11:45] ok, so you at least have a good reason ;-) [20:12:28] did someone already try https://freshrss.org/ ? [20:12:42] however it is mostly done, I don't think there are any bugs still left there, and it mimicks rss and the general structure of previous planet [20:14:38] Sounds like we should setup a server with ruby etc. that renders jekyll - IIRC you also worked on moving news.o.o to jekyll, right? [20:14:59] news-o-o repo is in the openSUSE namespace on github [20:15:22] although I will have to fix a few things, but it wouldn't hurt to at least host a test version of it [20:16:11] I might also need to go through very old posts, after that hack back in the days, there are still some spam messages left in some posts [20:16:30] great :-/ [20:17:01] well, we gotta deal with it, it happened :P [20:17:29] yeah, but it's still annoying [20:17:31] kl_eisbaer: I don't really use rss clients, I usually pipe them to other services [20:18:21] lcp_: have a look at https://demo.freshrss.org/i/ [20:18:25] I actually also started working on github feeds for purposes of having all the bugs in our namespace in one place, so it's easier to point potential contributors to something fixable [20:18:46] kl_eisbaer: I did, it looks cool [20:18:48] It could be used as successor of planet, if you say the code is rotten old ;-) [20:19:24] it's more of a client for a person, than planet tbh [20:20:04] cboltz: ah, worth noting, thanks to usage of planet pluto, we can parse phoronix for example and display only posts which mention openSUSE [20:20:18] At least it allows to have an "anonymous RSS view" - but I like to leave this to those who do the current work ;-) [20:20:58] well, "anonymous if the post doesn't include pictures etc." ;-) [20:22:04] no, pictures are included - just choose the 'Comics' section in the demo for example [20:22:29] ok, I didn't check this detail ;-) [20:23:01] It's just not comparable with the current planet [20:23:45] I just kept it in mind when we evaluated possible successors a few years ago. As all the others (planet, venus) were dead already. [20:24:33] kl_eisbaer: sorry to disappoint you, but I just checked the freshrss demo, and first thing I found is a comic hosted externally ;-) [20:25:07] ;-) [20:25:24] so - should we sum this up to "if someone has time, setting up a VM to host jekyll (for planet.o.o and news.o.o) would be nice"? [20:25:44] yes [20:26:07] lcp_: can you open a ticket for the new VM and assign it to me, please? [20:26:13] we are ready for 2030 when infra will have to be updated past python2 [20:26:58] kl_eisbaer: sure [20:27:26] ok, then - any other status reports? [20:28:23] doesn't look so, next topic then [20:28:43] given the long list, let's skip "review old tickets" and continue with [20:28:47] Internal SSL CA for servers [20:29:03] Jip, my topic [20:29:17] I hoped that kbabioch would be here.. [20:29:34] I know that we have something[tm] (I'd guess FreeIPA manages its own root CA), but I don't know the details [20:29:43] IMHO he already started to package one of the "let's encrypt for local networks" applications [20:30:14] If we would stay with FreeIPA, we could create certificates via FreeIPA [20:30:35] The only condition would be that the hosts have to be "created" inside the Host tab in FreeIPA [20:30:58] yeah, _if_ we stay with FreeIPA - that's another open topic, possibly for another day ;-) [20:31:06] In that case, FreeIPA would create SSL certificates for the hosts it knows just with hitting a mouse button [20:31:30] But as this is on discussion, I thought about possible alternatives... [20:31:55] I have my own script to create SSL certificates for clients that use NRPE - but I don't think that this really scales [20:32:09] (the script is on the monitor.infra.o.o machine [20:32:41] But I think the best might be to wait for Karol - as he already did some analysis of applications in this area. [20:32:50] right, that might become annoying with increasing number of machines/certs [20:33:21] however, I wonder if we could use a low-tech solution, like centrally creating the certs and scp'ing to each VM [20:33:47] that is what we do in my company [20:34:10] (not that I dislike a fancy internal "let's encrypt openSUSE", but I see more important TODOs than setting this up ;-) [20:34:25] Jip. I have something like XCa in mind - but as console application [20:34:31] And using Salt to deploy... [20:34:53] I just don't remember the name of that beast :-( [20:36:30] just write a mail when you find/remember it ;-) [20:36:53] anyway - if we can agree that a simple commandline tool to manage internal certificates would be ok, I can (re-)start the research [20:37:14] agree. simple is better [20:37:29] I'm a fan of keeping things simple, so please go ahead [20:37:55] bmwiedemann1: welcome! Maybe you have an idea: we are searching for a simpple commandline tool to manage SSL certificates (with an own CA for the internal machines) [20:38:43] I use openssl , but I found that sometimes certtool is easier to use [20:39:26] Is this packaged already? [20:39:30] that depends if certtool understands your config, but it can be way easier to use [20:39:41] yes, in the gnutls package [20:41:06] e.g. I used certtool -u for renewals a lot [20:41:26] and certtool -i < $crt for getting text info out [20:43:11] HA! I guess, I found it: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:kbabioch:smallstep [20:43:44] ^^ "Quickly bootstrap internal PKI: get a public key infrastructure and certificate authority running in minutes" [20:44:05] If nobody objects, I like to give it a try and see how this works for NRPE clients [20:44:41] no objections [20:45:18] but note that it partially overlaps with Æ-Dir - for example when it comes to SSH certificates (instead of keys) [20:45:53] Well: I'm a fan of KISS - and "one mission, one tool" ;_) [20:46:04] as I said - no objections ;-) [20:46:28] I'll give it a try and if someone wants to volunteer, he's always welcome to take over ;-) [20:46:42] I "just" have a feeling that it will overlap with other things we have / might have - but testing something never hurts [20:48:52] next topic? [20:49:24] yes [20:49:41] ok, that is [20:49:42] What to do with old FreeIPA accounts (pw expired) [20:51:01] cboltz: If I understand you right, we should send out Emails, if a user is inactive for 6 months (or) more - and disable his account if he agrees or does not respond ? [20:51:41] yes, I'm afraid that's the only way to go [20:51:59] fine with me. Just one question left: how to to wait for an answer, once the Email is send? [20:52:11] ("password expired" only means someone didn't login in FreeIPA for months - but you can still use the VPN and sudo with an expired password) [20:52:29] sure? (mean: did you try?) [20:52:48] yes, more than once [20:52:54] as in that case, I have the feeling that FreeIPA has a security problem :-( [20:53:04] (especially before you gave me permissions to do DNS changes) [20:53:26] well, it will force you to set a new password when you login to FreeIPA [20:53:44] * kbabioch joined the meeting and is sorry for being late ... (listening/reading mode only for now) [20:53:46] freeipa passwords expire very quickly, don't they? [20:53:46] but most people don't need to do that... [20:53:54] I thought is does this also if you log in to any client? [20:54:24] no, I'm quite sure that I was able to use sudo with an expired password [20:54:35] me too [20:55:13] crazy - and really not what I would expect! [20:55:38] but disabled passwords are not allowed there? [20:55:43] as a sidenote - I recently heard a nice joke: letting passwords expire means that you have to increase the last digit / "counter" of your password every 3 months ;-) [20:56:22] cboltz: that joke is correct - and a reason why expiring passwords is no good practice any more [20:56:25] yes. forcing people to change passwords forces them to use weaker passwords [20:56:43] but that does not solve the initial question ;-) [20:56:54] especially these days when everyone has a gazillion passwords [20:57:09] so - if I understand correctly: we can not asume that an expired account in FreeIPA is not active any longer [20:57:33] right [20:57:36] which makes it impossible to check who is still active and who is not using his account for decades :-( [20:58:06] is there no audit log? [20:58:11] I'd guess you could grep the VPN logs [20:58:20] which - in turn - makes me think about triggering an Email (as we did in the past with the openSUSE members) and checking who answers this Email. [20:58:35] but sending out a mail is probably easier ;-) [20:59:05] I'd say allow two weeks to answer, so that we don't lock out someone who is on vacation etc. [20:59:47] better make it 3 or 4. [20:59:50] ok - so I will start with documenting it in our wiki, first - and we can check (and agree on ;-) this docu during the next meeting. [21:00:04] once we agreed, we can think about the implementation [21:00:48] I'd go for a simple solution - send out those mails once per year, and handle the results manually [21:01:36] * Pharaoh_Atem waves [21:01:37] right - that would be my proposal [21:02:17] :-) [21:02:39] ok - I guess we can close this topic here [21:02:56] right, let's continue with [21:03:00] IPv6 renumbering [21:03:39] Oh, what a funny topc... [21:03:41] oh the nightmares [21:03:49] But luckily at the moment it's more "JFYI" [21:03:54] AFAIK this will "only" affect the external IPs, right? [21:04:11] as I hope to get an agreement with the new SUSians to assign an IPv6 subnet directly for opensuse.org machines [21:04:21] right: only affecting external machines [21:04:42] that will make things easier because we only have to touch a few VMs [21:04:47] if we could get an own subnet, we might be able to administrate the reverse entries on our own [21:05:12] yes, that only requires the proper reverse delegation [21:05:41] that would make sense - and I'm quite sure there are enough v6 IPs to easily allow this ;-) [21:05:46] so - in short: IPv6 renumbering has to be done, but (depending on the conversations) might take a while before we need to start [21:05:52] reverse entries mostly matter for mail-servers, no? [21:06:38] yes, generally speaking only for mail servers. It's a good practice though. [21:08:07] ...and especially for IPv6 aware servers, people also try to do reverse lookups in case of problems (hint: rsync ;-) [21:09:12] but I guess we can close this topic as well for now. [21:09:25] yes, that's the perfect statement to continue with the next topic ;-) [21:09:28] Mirror tickets [21:09:37] Just in case: if someone would like to start to manage the IPv6 addresses of our servers via Salt, that would be a cool idea already ;-) [21:09:38] got a few of those [21:10:03] Jip - and I did not look into them right now, as I'm currently unsure who is handling them. [21:10:08] Only you, Per? [21:10:18] afaik, only me. [21:10:42] of course anyone is free to help out :-) [21:10:52] I feared that you say this :-) [21:11:10] Is there anything which is currently more urgent ? [21:11:56] I would have to look at the list, but I try to deal with the important ones first [21:12:53] * klein here now, sorry, missed the time [21:12:56] right now, I don't believfe there is anything urgent. [21:13:01] we got two tickets about problems with the mozilla repo today (last one is ~3 hours old) [21:13:19] but I'd guess that's more a problem between OBS and download.o.o, not with the mirrors [21:13:38] pontifex has been VERY busy, pushing repos has been taking hours [21:14:46] one important issue - tumbleweed mirroring / scanning [21:14:56] btw. who has currently access to widehat? [21:15:16] looks like widehat misses a rsync module that OBS is normally using to push repos to widehat [21:15:36] I think there might even be an open issue on that [21:15:50] AFAIK kbabioch and klein have access [21:16:02] yes, what do you need me to check? [21:16:31] We need to check for a specific rsync module, that seems to be missing [21:16:55] btw: there will be a new widehat machine with 86 TB (raw) disks as replacement [21:17:02] klein: if you don't mind, I will open a ticket and assign it to you [21:17:09] our SAP process started today [21:17:15] woho! :-) [21:17:18] :-) [21:17:41] wow [21:18:05] kl_eisbaer: on RT or on progress? And, please teach me how to check that :-) [21:18:12] after RAID6 it will be only around 60TB, but that should suffice for a while [21:18:26] klein: don't worry, I will visit you in your office, once i created it ;-) [21:18:56] bmwiedemann1: really RAID6 and not RAID10 ? (just to start the usual RAID performance discussion ;-) [21:19:21] ok, I have a "package" from Martin to you, in my desk :-).... ahh, Martin is also here tomorrow [21:20:13] hey :-) good to know :-) [21:20:21] but we are drifting away... [21:20:40] My main intention at the moment is to reduce the number of open tickets [21:21:06] especially the really old ones are currently on my radar. [21:21:29] with mirrors, people can be very slow in responding to feedback requests [21:21:29] ok, I can help with that [21:21:45] Most of them are IMHO open because nobody wants to make a decision or tell the other side that we are so low on manpower that we can not help. [21:22:26] pjessen: this is why I left those out at the moment: I have no idea how you handle this at the moment... [21:23:40] kl_eisbaer: one at a time :-) [21:23:50] shouldn't we define a timeout somehow, so we don't carry too much old tickets with us? [21:23:58] and by using due dates. [21:24:16] so we - for example - close a "feedback" ticket after 4 weeks of no reaction ? [21:25:11] I agree on that, if no one cares to give feedback, its because its OK or doesn't really matter anymore [21:25:43] ... and if someone answers by mail, the ticket will be reopened anyway [21:25:57] jip, this is exactly my thinking as well ;-) [21:26:25] pjessen: would that work out for you as well ? [21:26:45] as this would allow anyone to close open tickets with state "feedback" after 4 weeks [21:27:06] yes and no. I would prefer tickets that are asigned to me to remain under my control. I agree with closing tickets waiting too long for feedback though. [21:27:11] once we have the new redmine up and running, we might even do this via cron job ;-) [21:27:49] pjessen: what about not only assigning the ticket to you in that case, but also NOT setting them to feedback ? [21:28:18] I think the owner of the ticket is the one that should close it [21:28:24] that would make everyones live a bit easier, as we can start cleaning up automatically [21:28:49] kl_eisbaer: oh that would help a lot :-) I usually set feedback status when I hope to have contact with the reporter. [21:29:01] klein: yeah - but sometimes the ticket is magically (;-) assigned to someone [21:29:05] klein: agree [21:29:21] kl_eisbaer: hummmm [21:29:29] and sometimes the assignee is also not really active any longer [21:29:57] ok, for not active assignees, we need to have a special rule? [21:30:19] I'm just thinking about some "automatism", that would allow us to get rid of some tickets were we clearly wait for reporter feedback [21:30:32] or.. just do it in an automatic way, if the ticket is on feedback for 5 weeks, the ticket tool should close it [21:30:41] klein: yes, exactly [21:31:03] like, send an e-mail to the reporter and also to the assignee just to make everyone aware, and close it [21:31:06] I like that... [21:31:07] klein: the ticket will be closed - and if a reporter decides suddently to answer after that - the ticket will get re-opened anyway [21:31:27] if we time out waiting for feedback, maybe automagically add a comment and return to previous status? I don't like have tickets closed for me. [21:31:31] works for me... let's make the machines work for us, not the oppose [21:32:19] pjessen: that would mean that we need to add a hack in the script "if assignee is pjessen ..." - but I think this might work [21:32:51] I know someone very skilled in Perl that can do that hahahaha [21:33:08] * kl_eisbaer notes that klein volunteers :-) [21:33:22] isn't it too much effort for very little gain? [21:33:47] is anyone monitoring the ticket queue ? (runs for cover). [21:33:56] pjessen: well, it gives the thing a rule. [21:34:09] pjessen: the ticket queue is monitored ;-) [21:34:10] kl_eisbaer: I am not touching Perl... you are the Perl master haha [21:34:29] I also like perl [21:34:30] who says it has to be perl? [21:34:30] klein: you mixed something up ;-) [21:34:48] pjessen: https://monitor.opensuse.org/pnp4nagios/index.php/graph?host=redmine.infra.opensuse.org&srv=_HOST_ [21:34:54] oh, bmwiedemann1 just volunteered ;-) [21:35:10] pjessen: oh, sorry, I mean: https://monitor.opensuse.org/pnp4nagios/graph?host=redmine.infra.opensuse.org&srv=Heroes_tickets [21:35:25] haha [21:35:48] pjessen: especially this one here is interesting: https://monitor.opensuse.org/pnp4nagios/graph?host=redmine.infra.opensuse.org&srv=Heroes_tickets&view=4 [21:35:58] kl_eisbaer: nice one [21:36:07] currently the curve is going down - and I like to keep it going this way ;-) [21:37:35] and one easy win would be to define a time frame when we close "feedback" tickets - if the reporter seems not to be interested to give feedback [21:38:42] yeah. I can't really disagree with that, but I'm not in favour. [21:39:07] that's why I'm saying: ok, let's make an exception for pjessen tickets ;-) [21:39:31] hahaha, the personal touch :-) [21:39:33] it's not hard to get - just helps others to reduce their workload [21:39:59] I'm fine if you need those mountains of tickets in front of you (harrharr ;-) [21:40:10] okay, count me in (don't count my tickets). [21:40:19] perfect, thanks! [21:40:23] ...over to cboltz [21:40:37] ...who should announce the next topic ;-) [21:40:55] well, besides the old tickets (which we skipped) there's one topic left: [21:40:58] GDPR -> Saltify account removal [21:41:37] I have a feeling that we should first define the first step (what do do/remove/...) before working on the second (automating it) ;-) [21:41:47] Yes, of course. [21:41:52] but in general, having a GDPR workflow makes sense [21:42:01] I just wanted to make everyone aware of this... [21:42:34] IMHO we should think about a way to remove an account from any of our current tools/services via commandline [21:42:45] this could be a script that does some API calls [21:42:54] or editing a database [21:43:18] yes, that's the second step ;-) [21:43:31] first step is: what should we delete? [21:43:52] cboltz: IMHO this depends on the tool in question, right? [21:43:57] * klein was just kidding about perl, sorry [21:44:06] exactly, and that's where things can become interesting [21:44:12] for example - what about wiki edits? [21:44:26] and mailing list archives. [21:44:32] for progress.o.o for example, deleting a user results in any old ticket or edit of this user get's assigned to "anonymous", which is ok [21:45:02] for wiki, we might copy the behavior of wikipedia ? [21:45:23] right, that makes progress.o.o a somewhat easy case - but the realname might still be mentioned in the mail/ticket content [21:45:24] for lists or forums, we need to check what other distributions or provider of such things are doing to get an idea [21:46:16] cboltz: you are right - and we will easily find 100 other problematic places, once we start to think about it [21:46:51] the problem I see: at the moment we did not even start to think about it, while the law is already in place since years ... [21:47:03] right [21:47:12] ...and we already get requests from users to get deleted [21:47:38] so I like to bring this up, so every admin of a service starts to think about a way how he can implement this [21:47:41] regularly. [21:48:03] we will need to know the requirements. [21:48:04] and to give him some guidelines, my thinking is to give some easy starting point [21:48:32] while knowing that the easy starting point will not be (and probably never every will be) the final solution [21:48:59] kl_eisbaer: what other distors are doing for what? [21:49:05] *distros [21:49:08] so my requirement would be to have a commandline tool that can be invoked with a login name (from Bugzilla) [21:49:56] and that tool should try it's best to delete the aligned content for this login from the system [21:50:06] Pharaoh_Atem: GDPR requests like "please delete my account and all my data" [21:50:29] I know that the first incarnations of those tools might not be 100% perfect. [21:50:39] I think the key question will be - what is the aligned cntent? [21:50:53] But this would be my starting point, which would allow us to automate the mess [21:51:00] fedora has a slightly easier job, considering they "own" all of their infra [21:51:20] pjessen: ...and this content - from my point of view - depends on the services in question [21:52:13] kl_eisbaer: I don't really have a point of view, it's much to legalese for me. [21:52:37] cboltz: I think the CPE team for fedora/centos started working on this too, it might be worth asking them what they're doing [21:52:56] so for lists we might end up saying that your script needs to find out an Email address for a login and either delete any mail sent from this address or overwrite this Email everywhere with XXXXX [21:53:05] eh, if we had an account system, this could be integrated into it possibly [21:53:22] lcp_: I have a suspicion that fedora's stuff is handled as part of FAS data [21:53:38] lcp_: Sorry, but I don't really think so. The account system would probably not delete the data of an account [21:53:59] I don't see why not, fedora accounts system is in-house [21:54:10] they can do whatever they please with it [21:54:25] lcp_: ...and fedora started to write ansible playbooks for their GDPR stuff.... [21:54:57] https://github.com/dustymabe/fedora-infra-ansible/blob/master/playbooks/manual/gdpr/delete.yml [21:54:59] good to know [21:55:22] I think we should do something simliar [21:55:35] that would make sense [21:56:17] but as I said: before we can start to think about integrating it into Salt, we need to think about each and every service how this could be done there [21:56:57] Example: etherpad.o.o - should we grep through all existing pads and delete pads that have the name of the user in them ? [21:57:25] ...starting with these kind of thinkings is IMHO the way we need to start. [21:58:07] kl_eisbaer: and then someone names his account "and" or "you" [21:58:08] and - at least for me - it helps to have in mind that we need to automate this to get it in a managable state [21:58:35] bmwiedemann1: I already have "drop tables;" ;-) [21:59:11] I think etherpad pads should be a subject of removal on request, there is no real way to automate this [21:59:19] so - back to cboltz suggestion: yes, we might start with some wiki (?) pages for each application to think about what can be done and what not [21:59:32] lcp_: riseup has configurable auto-expiry for etherpads [21:59:50] for example: in bugzilla it might be enough (as in progress) to delete the account in the applications database [22:01:04] agreed, a page in the admin wiki makes sense - and when we know what to do and how (and maybe asked SUSE Legal for some confirmation and clarification), we can start to automate it [22:01:08] if a user still complains that his account is mentioned "somewhere" inside the application, we need to check if this is a one time effort - or can also be automized - or if it is a legitimate question at all [22:01:29] ok [22:02:01] bmwiedemann1: that doesn't seem like a bad idea tbh [22:02:02] So I like to ask every "service admin" to start such a wiki page below the GDPR page in the admin wiki [22:03:27] kl_eisbaer: "antispam admin" here. Do I have to do something? [22:04:21] robin_listas: yes: check what happens / needs to be done if a user wants to get deleted from connect. [22:04:54] * bmwiedemann1 goes to sleep. have a lot of phun [22:05:12] bmwiedemann1: good night! [22:05:15] I'd guess: just delete the user, like a spammer ;-) [22:07:40] When I delete a user, it is also deleted from the entire opensuse login system, so it has repercussions. The action is not limited to connect alone. If I have to delete content, I do not know how to search for it unless it is recent. All actions would be manual, on the admin interface, I do not have the knowledge to really go inside whatever handles connect. [22:08:03] Just saying :-) [22:08:21] robin_listas: the user data for connect lives in a database. [22:08:21] Yeah, gotta go - I think we are done anyway? Happy New Year everyone! [22:08:44] robin_listas: so if you delete a user in connect, the user's data on all other systems (like OBS, lists.o.o) will still be there. [22:08:51] (we do not delete spammers, we "bann" them. A deleted user comes back) [22:09:00] robin_listas: I'm quite sure you overestimate your powers - you only delete users on connect.o.o, but _not_ on the other systems or in the login system [22:09:41] robin_listas: that's why I'm asking you (and every other "service/application" admin) to think about a way to request the user deletion from a commandline client [22:09:46] I would hope so, but I think it is deleted on the login system opensuse wide [22:10:03] robin_listas: sorry to say, but it's not. [22:10:25] Ok, I'll write what I know and my concerns to the wiki. [22:10:45] The problem is indeed: if MF-IT (who are the current owners of the login system) delete a user there, the data of the user is still in connect [22:10:49] Ok, then I was told wrong. Easier to delete users. [22:11:52] robin_listas: and this is indeed a problem, as it means that MF-IT "think" they deleted everything of a user by removing his account - but indeed the user data may be split accross multiple applications inside the openSUSE eco system [22:12:06] Ah [22:14:19] so, yes: if you delete a user in connect, the users data might get deleted - but ONLY in connect and nowhere else. [22:14:25] ...and this is the problem... [22:14:56] So you want a series of scripts to trigger in cascade to delete it all. [22:14:58] So the idea is to have a "trigger" - that get's triggered once an account get's deleted from the login system [22:15:23] Then sorry, I don't have the access nor the knowledge to do that in connect. [22:15:42] ...and this trigger will call a script on each service with some user information (like login or name) - and the application should delete the users data [22:16:22] robin_listas: no worries. We will find someone who should be able to do this (or we shut down connect? ;-) [22:16:37] I would suggest to delete the content only if the user requests that deletion. Not every user deletion should mean delete their content. [22:16:48] robin_listas: but it would be very helpful, if you could add connect to the wiki page, so we do not forget it... [22:16:49] Sure, shut down connect :-D [22:17:01] Oops. URL? [22:18:34] https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/opensuse-admin-wiki/wiki/Connect?parent=GDPR [22:19:36] Oops-2: I get 403, not authorized. [22:19:47] are you logged in? [22:20:08] Yes, to bugzilla, connect... It shows my name [22:20:17] wait a second, please [22:21:13] robin_listas: can you try to reload, please [22:22:12] Yes, now it loads an empty page with "connect ====" on it :-) Thanks. [22:22:24] And an edit box. [22:22:37] perfect! :-) [22:23:15] I leave the rest up to you - just add some generic words about the service (including the URL) and your thinking of how users might get deleted for GDPR [22:23:33] if this means "clicking on delete" - that should be ok [22:23:41] Sure. No problem. Not tonight, though :_) [22:23:49] thanks [22:25:46] cboltz: still awake ? [22:25:57] yes, but at the moment I'm in two meetings in parallel ;-) [22:26:16] oh, sorry. I just want to hand over to you, as I think the GDPR topic is done :-) [22:27:15] ok ;-) [22:27:39] GDPR was the last topic, so - does someone have another topic, or can I stop multitasking? ;-) [22:27:49] cboltz: freeipa upgrade? [22:28:27] also, in case anyone wasn't aware of this, Fedora has started developing a plugin for FreeIPA to implement aspects of the Fedora Account System directly on FreeIPA: https://github.com/fedora-infra/freeipa-fas [22:28:27] if you have something about that, go ahead [22:29:27] cboltz: well, I don't know how I can help, since I'm not sure the state of the machine and how it's setup [22:29:39] and how to setup a clone to test doing upgrades [22:30:10] first step is to request a heroes VPN account ;-) [22:30:16] how do? :D [22:30:22] Pharaoh_Atem: from our pov, we would need a little bit different set of attributes [22:30:51] lcp_: could you codify this into an issue filed against it? [22:30:51] send a mail to admin@o.o with your GPG key (or key id, if it's on the keyservers) [22:31:00] oh boy, GPG :D [22:31:40] Pharaoh_Atem: I'm curious why it's specifically RHBZEmail instead of BZEmail, that would make changing this easier [22:31:57] lcp_: it probably could be BZEmail, most likely it was due to not thinking about it much [22:32:38] "rhbz" shows up in a lot of things that actually is generic to all bz systems [22:32:40] especially since bz5 [22:33:10] we would also need member status tbh, but that's secondary probably [22:33:40] it would be a nice system to use probably, considering that we would have all of that data in account system without connect connected :P [22:33:43] member status would likely be an IPA group [22:33:54] alright, then I don't have any more objections [22:34:06] similar to how various memberships work in Fedora [22:34:14] I figured [22:41:58] cboltz: what's the GPG for? encrypting credentials? [22:42:21] we want a save way to send you the VPN cert and the initial password [22:43:29] keep in mind it shouldn't be sha-1 encryped, that was broken today [22:43:40] https://sha-mbles.github.io/ [22:44:14] gnupg still accepted sha-1