2019-07-02 heroes meeting [19:58:59] hey all [19:59:34] hey Per [19:59:43] hi gertjan [19:59:48] hi all [19:59:57] tuanpembual: hi [20:00:03] hi! [20:00:23] cboltz: you were in 'all' :P [20:00:33] ;-) [20:01:01] let's start the meeting ;-) [20:01:15] our usual topics are on https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/52565 - but we can still add whatever is needed [20:01:34] does someone from the community have questions? [20:01:48] yep [20:02:08] #topic: the stuff from Provo, what is the status ? [20:03:34] I didn't see any answers (besides the one asking for the used OS and browser when the login problems happen, which I answered with a "most probably openSUSE, and firefox or chromium as browser") [20:04:01] and since then: silence [20:04:06] fyi chrome has these issues too. [20:04:33] I'd be surprised if it's a browser issue - server problems are more likely [20:04:41] okurz: IIRC you opened some tickets, did you get a more useful answer? [20:05:07] But, is anything going on moving the services to N'berg / wherever instead of Provo? [20:05:25] Unfortunately none [20:05:47] carlos has done some work on getting a new news-server running, I don't have any update from him. [20:07:20] the current config cannot just be copied over, it is not inn. [20:08:10] I'm not sure how much cooperation he has from provo wrt to getting information on the bi-dir interface [20:08:41] maybe it is just slow because of the time of year [20:09:12] ah, there he is. [20:09:17] hi carlos [20:09:42] I'm on the road with a laptop. Hi [20:09:55] welcome! [20:12:39] carlos, any update on progress with the news-server? [20:13:44] Well, the only thing I can do is study at home. [20:14:15] Does the board have to escalate this to SUSE? [20:15:05] good evening [20:15:28] I don't know, I'm new on this. A news server needs a machine and volunteers. Volunteers there are some. [20:15:57] bmwiedemann: hi [20:16:49] afaict, provo/MF-IT is not a show-stopper just yet? [20:17:26] robin_listas: knurpht's question is probably about things like getting information how the news server can connect to the forums [20:17:53] Ah, ok [20:18:22] so, to start with - did someone already ask the admins in Provo for this information? [20:18:25] IIRC there's an issue since the NNTP service was hired somewhere. [20:18:46] (ideally ask in a ticket so that there's something to escalate if needed) [20:18:57] cboltz: Kim Groneman can be contacted. [20:19:27] knurpht: we'll need to know how our nntp server can connect to the forums [20:19:34] but he no longer has access to our services. [20:19:48] great :-( [20:19:58] my guess - via email, but it would be useful to understand the current setup. [20:22:05] #question: do we want all the work and than later this year switch to an alternative for the VB forums? [20:22:19] f.e. Discourse? [20:22:41] that seems to be more 'open'. [20:23:15] the answer probably depends on how much work it is to setup a nntp server for the current forums now [20:23:34] cboltz: agreed [20:23:35] Part of the work I suppose would keep. The gateway, dunno [20:23:38] and if we have the access needed to reconfigure the forums. [20:25:33] knurpht: if Kim G does have the access, who does? [20:25:47] not have to access [20:26:25] pjessen: No idea, I forwarded what Kim told me. [20:26:49] better ask him directly [20:27:01] I lack the knowledge in this area. [20:27:52] okay. I have emailed with him, but he seemed a little "reluctant" [20:29:40] pjessen: that's why I asked about escalating it to SUSE, they're the ones paying MF for services. I would think transferring the stuff should be included. [20:29:59] right, good point. [20:30:45] I think we should probably delay that until MF-IT actually becomes a show-stopper? [20:31:03] Yup [20:31:06] knurpht: I'm quite sure the first question is "which ticket number", so - as much as I like mails - make sure you have a ticket ;-) [20:31:20] +1 [20:32:01] given the usual "speed" of MF-IT it might be a good idea to prepare the server setup and ask for the needed config to connect to the forums in parallel [20:32:29] yes, absolutely. [20:36:27] knurpht - I am sort of assuming it would be helpful to consider also moving the forums to a macine in Nuernberg too? [20:36:51] absolutely [20:37:13] Should be a single machine for nntp and forum, or two? [20:37:32] separate machines/VMs please [20:37:36] AFAIK they're separate now. [20:37:45] uh - why not just one? [20:37:50] everything is VMs there these days [20:38:04] two machines is only more admin. [20:38:19] it can make things easier in the future [20:38:23] the newsserver will be tiny. [20:38:41] for example, when we switch to another forum software, we can simply switch off the VM with the old software [20:39:01] instead of having to cleanup everything, while carefully not touching the nntp server [20:39:05] okay, it's no big deal. [20:39:10] cboltz: yes. [20:39:11] pjessen: imagine nntp does disk/mem fillup - if it is a separate VM, it will not hurt forums [20:39:37] bmwiedemann: so a VM per service? [20:40:05] Currently, the nntp message base (opensuse.org only) was 4.5 GB only [20:42:20] knurpht: can you help with export/importing the forum contents to a new forum setup? [20:43:31] knurpht: it is cleaner at least. and with salt, the admin overhead is not that high [20:43:46] I might be able to pull some strings here and there, but I alread have a lot on my desk currently. [20:44:13] "currently" is less important :-) it might not be until August or september [20:44:53] I was more interested if you knew how to do it personally. [20:45:11] pjessen: then count on me. [20:45:17] cool. [20:45:45] who creates VMs these days? [20:46:55] mcaj or kbabioch should be able to do that [20:47:31] I did ask Martin a while back, but he's been very busy. [20:48:45] all SUSE admins are very busy, but that shouldn't stop you ;-) [20:49:37] I'll check with mcaj again. [20:49:46] BTW: Martin created a VM for me last week, killing my excuse to delay the wiki update ;-) [20:50:19] I'm obviously not being persistent enough. [20:50:39] when did you ask him? [20:50:42] pjessen: No, you're not cboltz :P [20:50:49] not sure, maybe 2-3 weeks ago. [20:50:57] (IIRC my request took a few months) [20:50:57] haha [20:51:43] maybe we should leave this topic for now ? [20:51:47] 2-3 weeks? Sorry to say that, but you are way behind me in the queue ;-) [20:51:49] yup [20:52:15] next #topic ? [20:52:26] status reports [20:52:47] yep, who updates status.o.o ? [20:52:49] yes, we are indeed very busy :-) ... is there a ticket for this vm that you need? [20:53:04] there will be soon :-) [20:53:22] and feel free to remind us often. this will also create some awareness in management that we need more ressources [20:53:36] because most of this work is not appreciated at all, since there is not a lot of noise if things work out ;-) [20:54:19] right, admins only get noticed if something breaks :-( [20:55:39] knurpht: several people have accounts to update status.o.o - basically whoever notices an outage or works on it [20:56:02] that said - do you have/want an account there? [20:56:24] cboltz: Don't have one, and yes [20:56:47] ok, you'll get a mail in some minutes [20:58:25] kbabioch: I guess you also want access to status.o.o? [20:58:36] yeah, sure, wouldn't mind ;-) [20:58:51] Ok, as you are now on different topic, I'll leave for now. I'm parked somewhere with engine running (for AC). Unless you want me for something? [20:59:00] kbabioch: nice, we can meet there :P [20:59:25] robin_listas: we know where to find you ...... [20:59:42] Ok. Bye! [21:00:03] kbabioch: you have mail ;-) [21:00:50] yup, i have, thank you :-) [21:01:19] so - who has status updates? [21:01:32] quick one from me: as you probably noticed on the ML, I finally moved counter.o.o to a Leap 15.1 VM - one service less running on SLE 11 :-) [21:02:09] how many others are on SLE11? [21:02:59] I'd have to count because these old vms (especially community.infra.o.o and boosters.infra.o.o) each run multiple services [21:03:36] and to make things even more interesting, these VMs are of course not documented... [21:05:25] for web services, grepping the haproxy config is probably the best idea [21:05:48] but there are probably a few other services "hidden" on them ;-) [21:07:00] speaking about haproxy - currently the haproxy.cfg on anna/elsa is only readable for root [21:07:27] does that make sense, or should we make it readable for everybody who has VPN/ssh access? [21:08:59] did you actively change it or is this the package default? [21:09:33] good question, give me a second to check it... [21:09:49] also, are there any secrets in there? [21:10:07] in case someone breaks into another service on that machine or such [21:10:13] root-only seems to be the default mode [21:10:59] the file basically has a list of service -> IP, like "the wiki runs on" [21:11:37] I don't think that qualifies as top-secret ;-) [21:15:56] should be fine to be 644 then [21:16:08] I also think so [21:17:26] or you could be sophisticated and make it 640 root:users [21:18:22] our setup would require root:openvpn - we don't use the "users" group ;-) [21:18:38] how many users do have vpn access, but are not root? [21:18:54] dont know the permission model / details in opensuse heroes yet ;-) [21:19:24] kbabioch: I for example [21:19:28] most people have root/sudo on specific VMs [21:19:54] but not too many have sudo permissions on all VMs (members of the "wheel" group) [21:20:00] Being the user management guy I have to admit that root:openvpn looks pretty awkward to me... [21:20:49] * Pharaoh_Atem waves [21:21:04] I know, but it seems to be the default group, and some people are only in that group [21:21:13] cboltz, mstroeder: I'm pretty close to getting basic openSUSE specs going for ipsilon and lasso [21:21:21] and it's still better than 644 ;-) [21:22:02] well, don't know nginx's permission model, but make sure to restart everything and verify that it still works :-) [21:22:27] s/nginx/haproxy/ ;-) [21:22:32] ah, right [21:22:47] besides that - done on anna [21:24:21] I'm not sure if the sync to elsa works, but as soon as someone applies (and checks) the pending keepalived config changes from salt, I'll put the haproxy config into salt ;-) [21:25:27] (I'm not familiar with keepalived, and therefore won't blindly deploy these changes) [21:30:39] next topic? [21:30:49] or status report [21:31:39] i guess we have widehat back up running again? [21:34:11] thanks kbabioch :-) [21:39:06] * bmwiedemann is off to bed [21:39:26] I know that mcaj did several things during hack week, but it seems he is away [21:39:41] does someone else have a status report? [21:42:00] doesn't look so ;-) [21:42:45] in theory the next topic is "review of old tickets" - that would make lots of sense, but it's (once more) late enough to skip it ;-) [21:43:16] does someone have another topic, or should we close the meeting? [21:45:08] I'll take the silence as a vote to close the meeting ;-) [21:45:25] thank you all for joining! [21:51:09] sorry, I was busy elsewhere. Good meeting [21:52:52] sorry interrupted by phonecall [21:53:30] if anyone cares - it's hot and sticky. even only 23C out side. hope fully the johannisbeeren will be ready for picking in two weeks b4 we go on holidays [21:54:40] gotta go too, pick up my wife from the train. knurpht, I'll get back to you wrt a new forums setup. [21:56:19] pjessen: it was also terribly cold here today - only 27 °C after ~40 °C last week ;-)