


action #120243

Updated by szarate over 1 year ago

Hello QA, 

 this is an action item from today's syncup call with Jan Heiko, Marcus, Max, and myself. 

 We have completely stopped doing Quarterly Updates for Leap 15.X and instead we've started to provide Continously Rebuild DVD in parallel with GA image. This can be already seen here: . In general we'd like to reduce rebuilds to weekly/bi-weekly. We're currently thining of enabling disabling build flag via a botmaster pipeline, so this would be then the expected cadence. 

 Reason for the transition is mostly various early (weeks after GA) requests to Respin DVDs outside SLE QU schedule from the    ARM community, and then various issues that we've had with full refresh of ftp-trees and DVD e.g. boo#1202116 

 "Respin" test suite can be dropped: 

 What we need is preferably very minimal test suite preferably focused on boot and default installation.  
 The idea is that we will always offer a GA media that users can always fall back to in case of any issues. 

 Heiko mentioned that similar effort of weekly/bi-weekly reviews on SLES side, so we should try to re-use as much as possible. 

 Thank you! 

 #### Acceptance Criteria 
 1. Drop Respin JobGroup 
 1. Define minimal test suites for the new "Continous Rebuild"    medium/JobGroup
