


action #56003

Updated by SLindoMansilla almost 5 years ago

I have written a bash script called ```gwrap``` which will be the main part of the new package gswrap for Tumbleweed[1].    This script uses the tool ```bwrap``` from package bubblewrap to provide a fresh namespace for ghostscript.      Both the next package version of ghostscript as well as gswrap uses update-alternatives to replace replave the program ```/usr/bin/gs``` with the gswrap script, if installed, otherwise the alternative link points to ```/usr/bin/gs.bin``` ...    The aim of this is to have a secure container for ghostscript executed with option ```-dSAFER``` which should work for the most cases. Even with the X window system and also with pipes and the option ```-sOutputFile=%pipe%<command>``` 

 [1] `````` 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 - **AC:** A new openQA test module covers use case for gswrap 

 ## Exit criteria 

 - **EC:** An test in implemented in OBS/IBS
