action #64935
opencoordination #102906: [saga][epic] Increased stability of tests with less "known failures", known incompletes handled automatically within openQA
coordination #102912: [epic] Simplify investigation of job failures - 2nd
Provide test results of "related results" on job details
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If a test fails one often wonders about results of "related jobs", e.g. the same test suite on different architecture, different machines, variants of the same test suite. This can help to identify if a test failure is related to a product regression or what the severity of the issue is. We already have "Next & previous results" and could extend this concept to also show "Related results", maybe even on the same page.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: "related results" can be discovered over the webUI view of job details
- Research how "Next & previous results" are currently collected
- Prepare a query for "related results" based on one parameter, e.g. different machines but same test suite and same architecture
- Provide the results on the same tab as "Next & Previous results" or a new tab of job details (also with asynchronous requests)
- Extend for other parameters, e.g. architecture, test suite variants (similar name or starting with same name, e.g. next to "gnome" show "gnome+foo" and "gnome+bar" results)
- Optional: Provide the same information over API